Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 2 October 1897 [LE-40715]

Document Transcript

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The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints

P.O. Box B.

Salt Lake City, Utah. .

President Wilford Woodruff.

Dear Brother,

I hereby submit to you the synopsis of the statis-
tical reports from our Church School Organization
for the schoolyear ending June 30, 1897.


According to their number: 13.
[According] [to] [their] grades: 3 colleges, 3 highschools, 6 intermediates,
and 1 seminary.
[According] [to] [their] locality: in Utah 8, in Idaho 4, in Mexico 1.


[According] [to] [their] numbers: 105
[According] [to] [their] grades: with diplomas 14, with certificates 8,
with licenses 83.

Classes taught 702.


[According] [to] [their] number: 2938.
[According] [to] [their] religion: highpriests 4, seventies 48, elders 116, priests
167, teachers 188, deacons 657, laymembers
1557, not yet baptized 84, nonmembers 117.
[According] [to] [their] homes: in town 1746, within their own state 1035,
from outside of their own state 157.

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The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints
P.O. Box B.

According to their grade: Kindergarten 115, I & II grades 233, III & IV grades
220, V-VIII grades 863, commercial 197,
highschool 615, normal 661, collegiate

Religion Classes:
Arranged by^According to^ stakes: 11
[According] [to] the number of classes 208.
[According] [to] Bishops' Wards: 86.
[According] [to] number of instructors 399
[According] [to] [number] [of] pupils 8447.
Stakes visited in the interest of Religion Classes 21.

Karl G. Maeser
General Superintendent.

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Karl G. Maeser
Oct. 2 [18]97