Letter from Brigham Young, 27 June 1845


Letter from Brigham Young, 27 June 1845
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    Upper Room Es Richards House, City of Joseph, June 27th 1845 Dr Brother Woodruff: We sit down to acknowledge the receipt of your letters containing some en- quiries in regard to your business &c in England, and it being just one year this day since the massacre of our beloved brethren Joseph & Hyrum we have concluded to spend the day in conversation, council and prayer, and, also to write an answer to your letters, well knowing that a little information from this place must ...
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    a verdict of "not guilty," and the murderers were acquitted on this case. The court adjourned and appointed the 24th inst. to try the murderers in the case of brother Hyrom. Er [Elder] G. D. Watt attended court and took minutes of all the evidence and speeches on both sides, which will be published the earliest opportunity and you will then see, how much justice and virtue there is in the Judges and courts of our land. This matter was decided as we supposed it would be, for we ...
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    next week the brethren expect to go to putting on the shingles. The frame work around the foundation of the Tower is all up and the first timbers for the Tower itself was raised this day. The new stone Font is mostly cut and the first stone was laid to day at about 4 o clock. We expect in about five or six weeks the attic story of the Temple, and the Font will be all finished and ready for dedication, and just as soon as they are ready we shall dedicate them, (and ...
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    We hear little concerning Rigdonism of late, but have an idea that they have had such hot times in and about Pittsburgh, that they have cooled off. They make no proselytes only among apostate Mormons. Our cousin Lemuel in the west feel well towards us. We have lately heard from them and all things look right there Your little boy is quite well and cheerful, as also your brother in laws family. The families of the Twelve are all well except Dr Richards