Cassie Holland: What I Learned From Wilford Woodruff
Videographer: James Dalrymple
Speaker: Cassie Holland
I'm Cassie Holland, and I'm a research intern at the Wilford Woodruff Papers Foundation. Wilford Woodruff lived such a remarkable life. As I've been able to study more about his mission to the Southern States and learn more about him, it's taught me that everyone can relate to him. My grandmother was a convert to the church in the Southern States in the sixties and it's helped me reflect a lot on the Southern converts that joined the church in 1835, and then my grandma that joined the church a hundred years later in Alabama. So I think it's really relevant to know about the Wilford Woodruff Papers and about his experiences and about those early converts, because their struggles and their trials that they went through may help others that are recent converts today or those that are strengthening their testimonies now. I think one of the core foundations for anyone's testimony is knowing that God loves them and that He knows them and cares about them. And as I've been able to look through the Wilford Woodruff Papers, it's taught me that God loves me just as much as He loves all of His children and that He knows me individually. As I've been able to research these people, I've been able to feel God's love for them, and so I have a testimony that God loves His children, and that's why He sends prophets and apostles to go share the gospel with them. God knows us and He loves us.