Letter from Don C. Musser, 24 July 1893 [LE-39879]

Document Transcript

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First Presidency
Salt Lake City

Dear Brethern:

I have at
last succeeded in get-
ting some of our tracts
printed in the arabic
language a few coppies
of which I herein enclose
They were printed at
Jerusalem by a Jew at a
cost of 100.00 frs per 2000.
The Christians of Jerusalem
would not permit them
under any consideration
though I gave them all
a chance. It was through
the kindness of Mr. Jos. Schore
a Jewish proselyte and
manager of the Church of

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England press at the
"Holy City" that I was success
ful in getting the Jew
to permit them.

Bro Huish
has been here for some time
and we have decided that
he should return with
Bro Herman, who has also
been here for a week or so,
to the north and labor in
and a bout Aintab. I
think we need a German
speaking Elder in this
part of the vineyard
just as soon as ^is^ possible
to get one Bro Herman re-
ports very good success
from in Aleppo and
Aintab. A number have
recently embraced the truth
and the saints are enjoying

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the blessings of the Gosp^e^le
Before Bro Gran left Haifa
he gave me an order
on a gentleman that has
charge of his property here
with which I can draw
what money I need.
On this account I have
paid Bro Herman up
to date 457.99 francs. Of course
this amount I will have
to report to Bro Gran who
is now on his way to
Utah and he will be very
apt to visit you with
this report and you
will under stand
from this, what it is.
I realize I have no au-
thority to pay the expenses
of traveling elders in
this mission. But as

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long as the Elders stand
in need and ask for
help and I have some
way of getting money
I am a fraid I will
have to render assistence.

Hopeing that my actions
in this respect will be

I remain
your Brother in truth
Don C. W. Musser

I would add that the
enclosed tracts are not
printed by permission
of the Turkish Government
D. C. W. M.

J. F. S.

[upside-down text]
Don C. W. Musser
July 24 [18]93.
[end of upside-down text]