Letter from Silas Sanford Smith, 14 June 1883 [LE-4456]

Document Transcript

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Manassa Colo

President Woodruff

Dear Brother
I send you herewith the minutes of our
Conference - (as taken by Bro Ermine)
for the Historians Office. If desirable a
condensed report could be made from
the same for publication

very Respectfully
your Bro in Gospel

Silas S. Smith

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held at Manassa, Conejos County, Colorado,
Minutes of SanLuis Stake Conference, June 8 9, 1883
9, 10, 1883.

Present on the stand of the General Authorities, Pres't
Joseph F Smith, of the first presidency, Pres't Wilford Woodruff, &
Brigham Young, of the twelve Apostles, Pres't John Morgan
of the Southern States Mission, ^President^ S. S. Smith, Bishop J. C. Dal-
, & the Elders of the local Presidency.

^Manassa^ Ephraim Choir sang hymn page 168, Prayer by Pres't
John Morgan. Ephraim Choir sang, page 374

Pres't Wilford Woodruff was glad to meet with the Saints
of this stake, said, "We know no north, nor South, among
the Saints." The nations will be chastized with afflictions,
especially this nation. "I could not find the same Gospel
taught in my boyhood, that Jesus taught; but I have
lived to hear, & embrace, & work in it near fifty years."

We are here on a mission, We have great reasons to rejoice,
We have the Kingdom of God." spoke of the restoration of
the Gospel
by the ancient Prophets—of Joseph Smith's
mission upon the earth, & in the spirit world. Spoke of the power
of the Priesthood unto life, & salvation, of trials, & prosperity of
the Saints. Encouraged them to faithfulness, & diligence.

Apostle Brigham Young, was glad to have another
opportunity of meeting with the Saints. "The time is not

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far off when you will send out missionaries to make other
settlements, the L.D.S. will spread, & fill these valleys. We know these
things are facts." spoke of the cause of Apostacy—of paying
tithing—of nationalities. We are enlisted to build up the
Kingdom of God, the man indulges in nationalities will
lose the spirit, unless he repents. We are laboring for real
wealth, to be given by our Father in Heaven." Spoke of connecting
the links of the Priesthood—of the ten tribes coming forth
building temples villages ^citties^ & villages. "The church is in
a better condition to day than ever before, & the wicked were
never so powerless, as they are now, they are crippled by their
own acts." asked blessings upon the Saints.

Elder John Morgan could notice the prosperity
of the Saints. spoke of the Saints locating here—advice
of by Pres't. B. Young & Pres't. John Taylor ^about locating here^—The
first company wintered at Pueblo, every thing worked
together for the good of the Saints. Manassa choir sang
hymn Page 7. Benediction by S. C. Berthelson.

Page 5

Sat. afternoon

Ephraim Choir sang hymn on page 102.
Prayer by Wm. Christenson. Man. sang hymn on page
08. Statistical reports ending June 8th were read by Wm Chris-

Wards Bishops Apostles Patriarchs Seventies High Priests Elders Priests Teachers Deacons Members Total officers, & members Children under 8 years Total of souls Families Marriages Births, Males Births females Children blessed Numbers received etc Members removed etc Baptized new members Baptized children Excommunicated Deaths males Deaths females Individuals drawing support
Mannassa John C. Dalton 3 7 30 5 8 22 253 328 169 597 95 1 2 7 9 70 2 0 2 1 2 1 9
Seritas L. M. Peterson Pres. P. 1 3 2 1 50 57 33 90 16 2 1 3 4 1
Ephraim H. C. Heiselt 2 2 15 2 2 1 99 123 60 183 36 3 2 1 13
Richfield Thos. N. Peterson. 1 12 1 2 35 57 23 74 16 1 2 5 6 3
7 9 60 9 12 24 437 559 285 944 163 1 8 10 15 92 8 3 1 3 1 9
'Tis supposed that 200 are away from home, who are not recorded in this report.
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father for 6000 years that he through him might bring
to light the fullness of the everlasting Gospel." Said it
was the duty of the Elders of Isreal to preach this gospel
to all the nations of the Earth, & that Gods Judgements
would follow their testimony—the suffering of the Jews
because they crucified the Savior, the day of their
redemption being nigh, the afflictions, & Judgements of
God upon America because of their having slain the
Prophet Joseph said "It is necessary that we build
temples in which to administer in behalf of the dead.
God requires it at our hand, that we may stand as
saviors upon Mt. Zion. Closed with an appeal to God
to bless his people, & enable them to carry on the Latter
Day Work. Manassa choir sang hymn of on page 53.

Benediction by John Croft.

Page 8

Said "God ^the Lord the Lord^ is always willing to bless those who live
in obedience to his commandments." spoke of the power, &
ability of man, to endure affliction, when in possession of
the Spirit of God, the privations, & suffering of the Saints
the manifestations of Gods power in their behalf.
Spoke of the blessings promised to ancient Isreal, cond-
itioned upon obedience, and the application of those promises
to the L.D.S. closed his remarks with a faithful to testimony
to Gods willingness to bless the faithful, & obedient.

Pres. Silas. S. Smith announced a Priesthood
meeting at 6 P.M. Choir sang hymn on pa.
cause of truth etc. Benediction by Silas. S. Smith Jr.

Sunday morning.

on page 79 Manassa choir sang hymn
on page 79. Prayer by Bishop John Hopkins. Choir
sang hymn, page 413. Elder C. C. Brown addressed
the audience, gave good council to the Saints, & exhorted
them to be faithful to the covenants which they had
made with God, bore a strong testimony in regard
to the restoration of the everlasting Gospel.

Elder J. W. Bean, said "I am thankful because
of my identity with the people called Mormons.
urged the L.D.S. to be diligent in serving God, & to

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go forward in the discharge of their duties.
spoke of Gods readiness to bless all those who keep his
commandments. Elder R. C. Camp said "It is truly
grattifying to me to meet with the people of Manassa,
Ephraim & Richfield this morning & see so many
familiar faces from the southern states gathered to this
valley." spoke of the favorable surroundings, & the hopes of
prosperity, admonished the Saints to be faithful, &
prove themselves worthy of Gods mercies which were
so abundantly manifested in their favor.

Apostle Wilford Woodruff was delighted
to see so many at meeting, spoke of the unpopularity
of the principles of truth, & the afflictions, & suffering
of our Savior, "In my boyhood I prayed a great deal
to God that I might be permitted to live in a day, &
age in which ministers could be found who taught
the same principles, which we find in the new testa-
; the Lord heard, & answered my prayer, & has granted
me that glorious priviledge, spoke of the magnitude of
the labor, resting upon the L.D.S. their inability to
fully comprehend the extent of their mission upon the
Earth, the growth, & progress of the Kingdom of God.
"The Prophet Joseph Smith was reserved by our heavenly

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Pres. Silas. S. Smith asked the stated that a
brief report would be given, of the different Wards.

Bishop John. C. Dalton " said "the people are generally
poor, ^in consequences of loss of crops by an early frost last fall^ and many have to go from home, to labor for a supp-
ort; but so far as have been ascertained from the teachers,
they are doing as well as could be expected."

John Becroft said "the folks of Scritas,
are getting along peacable, are seeking to serve God
to the best of their ability." H. C. Heiselt
said, "the people of Ephraim are friendly, & peac ^agreeable^
with each other; pay their tithing promptly, & thereby
show their willingness to support the cause in
which we are engaged." T. N. Peterson, reported
the Richfield branch, kind, & generous towards
eachother, & endeavoring to keep the commandments
of the Lord. Apostle ^President^ Joseph. F. Smith, addressed
the audience, said, "It is necessary that the people
in this portion of the Lords Vinyard be organized
into a stake of Zion." Instructed the audience
in regard to the labors, & duties of the L.D.S. Ex^h^ortation
to those officiating in the Kingdom of God to honor
& magnify their calling. "the world is ignorant of what
they call Mormonism." Explained what Mormonism is.

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Sunday afternoon

Ephraim choir sang hymn No. 41. Prayer by
Elder C. C. Brown. Manassa choir sang hymn page 155.
The names of the ^General^ Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ
of L.D.S. were ^Presented^ read by Apostle ^President^ Joseph. F. Smith, & sustained
by the people

The names of those who are to preside over the San Luis Stake
were read, & sustained as follows
Silas. S. Smith Pres.
Richard C Camp 1st councilor
Wm Christenson 2nd [councilor]

Presidency of San Luis

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Apostle Brigham Young spoke, & said "I am
with the testimony, & teachings of the brethren who have
spoken, many new things have been presented to my mind."
spoke of the labors reques[t]ed for the spread of the gospel—
the obligations which the L.D.S. were under to carry it to
the nations of the Earth—the labor of the millennium—the
redemption of the dead who never heard the Gospel,
the importance of obeying all the commandments
of God, which now exist, & which may hereafter be
given. said "I have witnessed the fulfillment of
numerous propecies given through Joseph Smith."
Prayed God to bless his people & preserve them from
the hands of their enemies. Elder John Morgan
was grattified to see the rappid growth of Manassa,
& adjacent settlements of the Saints. said "the
first conference held in this place (Manassa) was
in an old stable which furnished sufficient room
for all present." (the Saints in this place) Exhorted the people
to encourage education—the observance of the word of
& prayed God to bless all who are engaged in the
cause of truth. Apostle Joseph F. Smith said
"It is impossible for us to receive at one lecture
all the wisdom, & knowledge, which God intends

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for us to know." Urged the Saints to use propperly
the talent which God had given them. "The Kingdom
of God
is onward, & progressive & man, through obedience
to the laws of God, is destined to attain to the perfection,
& glory of our creator." "I could not be happy (superlative-
ly so) no matter where I might be placed without my
wives, & children with me." Entreated the saints to obey ^the commandments of^ God
& live united. Ephraim choir sang anthem

Benediction by Apostle Wilford Woodruff

G. H. Irvin Clerk.

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John. C. Dalton Bishop
Silas. S. Smith ^Junior^ 1st councilor
Samuel. S. Sellers 2nd [councilor]

Manassa Ward.

Peter Rasmusson, Bishop
Howard K. Corry 1st councilor
Jordan Brady 2nd [councilor]

Ephraim Ward.

Thos. N. Peterson. Bishop
Milton. H. Evans 1st councilor
Jens Jenson 2nd [councilor]

Richfield Ward.

L. M. Peterson. Presiding Priest of Scritas Branch.

Albert. R. Smith, Stake clerk & recorder.

Members of the high council.
Wm F. O. Behrmann. H. C. Heiselt. D. H. Ellidge.
Daniel. R. Sellers. S. C. Berthelson. John. A. Smith.
Martin Christensen. John D. Hawkins. David. Boise.
James. H. Jack. John. B. Daniels. Albion Haggard.

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June 9 & 10, 1883.
San Luis
Stake Conference.