San Bernardino Cal. Mch. 14th
Pres. W. W. Woodruff
Salt Lake City, Utah. Ter.
Dear Brother,
You are no doubt already aware
of the fact that Apostle F. M. Lyman
and Elder B. H. Roberts of your church
commenced a series of meetings, in
the chapel belonging to the Reor-
ganized church at this place, on
or about the 20th ult. which was freely
profered them by the officers & members
of said church; and for the use of said
house, Elders Lyman & Roberts very
emphatically expressed their thanks in
behalf of the church to which they belong,
and just as emphatically promised
to use their influence in behalf of the
traveling & local ministry of the
Reorganized church, who cheered
to laboring among your people.
But to conclude, they used our house
as long as they wished and could have
used it still longer, if they had so
wished; and besides we invited them
to deal with the issues that exist
between the two churches, or bodies
of people, (ie, the Utah & Reorganized
churches) just as freely & plainly as
they desired, asfor we did not wish to
try to hold any restraint over them,
simply because they were using our
house. Elder Roberts, being the chief
speaker, availed himself of the
freedom & opportunity offered,
and drew the lines on the authority
and successorship, in the presidency
of the church, as closely & precisely
as it was possible, from his
standpoint; & Elder D. L. Harris,
replied quite as plainly & precisely,
in behalf of the Reorganized church.
The subject of the gathering was
also canvassed by both sides. The
position of each speaker was well
argued, and the arguments, and
scriptural proofs were so well main-
tained by each, that the opinions of the
audiencies, were quite largely desi-
ded. many of them expressing them-
selves, that the only way to settle these
important questions to the satisfac-
tion of all parties; would be to bring
about a joint Discussion, by the two
churches. The First Presidency of each
church, selecting Representative men
from each of their respective bodies,
to debate these two important questions
(succession & gathering) before the
people of this city, or any other place
that may be mutually agreed upon.
Hence, Elder D. L. Harris, & myself,
drew up a challenge, in behalf of the
Reorganized church, inviting your
church to a Discussion as above stated,
and had it published in two papers of this
city. I will enclose with this, a copy of the
challenge. also the answer of Bro.
Lyman & Roberts; and last but not least,
a verbatim copy of statement from
the First Presidency of the Reorganized
Church, which we received from them
very recently; and caused the same to
be published in the daily Courier of this
city, March 13th, or yesterday. You will
see by answer of Bros Lyman & Roberts ^that^ they
request, us to put our church behind our
challenge &c, and also that Elders Lyman &
Roberts favor & will use their influence to
bring about said Discussion. And the people
here, also those of both churches, positively
demand that such a meeting shall take
place in the near future, that all may know
where the authority, & the truth abides. I shall
Register this so there may be no possible de-
lay or miscarriage.
Respectfully, R. R. Dana.
D. L. Harris.
Daily Courier March 2nd 1894.
Waxes Warm.
EDITOR COURIER: Whereas Messrs.
F. M. Lyman and R. H. Roberts, by
their article in this morning's COURIER,
question the right of ourselves to speak
in behalf of the Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, of-
This is to certify that we (both of us,)
have been regularly ordained to the
office of elder, in said church, and if nec-
essary can produce our credentials by
showing certificate of appointment from
the general conference to labor as mis-
sionaries in the territory of Arizona
during the year 1892, and also by a
license from said church. Therefore we
look upon the expressed doubts in the
answer of Messrs. Lyman and Roberts
to be a sort of convenient dodge for the
purpose of trying to avoid a public dis-
cussion with our people. However we
will notify them by information from
headquarters within a few days.
San Bernardino, March 1, 1894.
Daily Courier
13, 1894
That Discussion
LAMONI, Ia., March 6.
D. L. Harris and R. R. Dana, San Bernardino,
DEAR BRETHREN—Your letter to Pres-
ident Joseph Smith containing challenge
sent to F. M. Lyman and B. H. Rob-
erts, touching a proposed discussion of
the successorship in the Reorganized
and Utah Mormon churches, also con-
cerning the gathering, are just to hand
and have been noted by the presidency
with careful interest. You are at lib-
erty to propose a discussion of those
subjects with the representative men of
the Utah Mormon church, indorsed by
their presidency; we to reply by repre-
sentative men, chosen and indorsed by
the presidency of the Reorganized
church, such discussion to take place
when and where agreed upon jointly by
the parties in interest, details for the
discussion to be mutually agreed to by
We prefer an early time for said dis-
cussion to occur, and that Salt Lake City
be the place. Nevertheless, we will
agree upon San Bernardino, Cal., if de-
sired, or to hold it at both points if
agreeable to all parties concerned.
In conclusion, if the Utah Mormon
church by its representative men will
accept the foregoing proposition we
would be pleased to hear from them at
once and have them present their prop-
ositions and details of arrangements
they may desire, to which we will re-
spond at an early time.
Very truly, etc.,
Of the Presidency.