Dear Brothers':
Your letter
upon the subject of calling for volen-
teers to strengthen San Juan is recie[v]-
ed and forewarded to Bro Richard's,
for all the twelve to read; also one
engaged in that work. As I before rem-
arked a coppy of your letter to me was
put into the hands' of each man who
was to direct the work; so I do not see
how they could have been mistaken
in your instructions'. I have never Giv-
en instructions to any one upon this
subject, contrary to the teachings of
your letter. I have never seen Angus M.Cannon since he came home. I
have asked Bro. Richards to see that
the twelve who are labouring in the
work have a chance to see your seconed
instructions which I think He will do.
I do not pretend to appear in person
in any public gathering, or to travel
in any street in the daytime. That the
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Lord will Bless and protect you
from the Hands' of your Enemies is
the Ernest prayer of your Bro. in the