Letter from William Paxman, 24 September 1887 [LE-23471]

Document Transcript

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Box 10.

Gisborne, Poverty Bay, N. Z.

To Presidents

Geo. Q. Cannon,
Joseph F. Smith,
Wilford Woodruff.

My Dear Brethren:

We have received this day two very
interesting letters, one bearing date of August 2nd from Presidents
Geo. Q Cannon and Jos. F. Smith, the other from President Woodruff,
bearing date of August 16th; and I now hasten to acknowledge
the receipt of the same, for, the Lord being willing, we desire to leave
on Monday morning for a visit to the North part of the Island and
while thus traveling in Maoridom there is but little convenience or
time for corresponding.

We were delighted with the contents of your letters, and can
say Amen to all the words spoken concerning the greatness and no-
bility of character of our deceased leader and Prophet; but as you say
his biography is interwoven with the history of this dispensation, and
it is unnecessary for me to enlarge on his many noble qualities of
heart and mind, all of which are so widely known, and inasmuch
also as I wrote last mail my feelings to you regarding his death.

We were much surprised and amused at the audacity, and
brazen cheek of Uncle Sam in demanding $4,000,00000 of the Church.
And for what? Is the Nation in a state of bankruptcy and do they
wish to fill up their coffers with the hard earnings of the people
of God whom they have driven and robbed before and some of
whom they have killed? It seemes as though this step on the part of
the Nation is too glaring an act for the people of the United States even
to look upon without a feeling of insecurity for themselves and their
denominations; for if they can thus rob us, they can in like man-
ner rob them, should they happen to fall under the displeasure of
an Edmond or a Tucker. But we do not fear the result, for we know
that the Lord is on our side, and we have every thing to encourage
us. This step against the work of God will, as has been the lot of all
others, result in the complete overthrow of our enemies and the fur-
therence of the cause they are seeking to destroy.

We were thankful to hear that the People's Party came out and
did their duty at the polls to the defeating of our Liberal candidates
We think it high time that the Saints were arroused from the lethargy

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that they have fallen into and be awakened to their duties in
political as well as ecclesiastical matters, for they should have
learned by the sad experiences of the past who are their friends, and
that there is no movement adopted or sanctioned by the leaders
of Israel but that which is for their good.

We were rejoiced to hear of the safe arrival of Elder Correy.
The draft that you mentioned of $600.00 came tafe [safe] to hand this mail
to defray the passage expenses of Elder Correy and others, but am sor-
ry to say that it was drawn on the bBank of New Zealand Sydney
N. S. W., which will cause some delay and expense. All other drafts
that have been sent have been on the Union Bank of Australia, at Gis-

Since writing you, I have received word from Elder Blyth in
Australia that he has received from Brother Correy's the £30 that
he borrowed for Elder Correy's return fare; I therefore shall use the
ammount necessary to pay the £21 borrowed at Auckland for his
"saloon" passage and hold remainder subject to your orders. I wrote
you in a previous letter that Elder Blyth would not return until
next Spring, as he desires to accompany some saints who will emi-
grate at that time.

I desire again to mention the progress being made in the trans-
lation of the Book of Mormon by Elders Richards and Sanders, feel-
ing greatly encouraged, as they have now got 374 pages completed;
and if all is well and by the blessings of God, they anticipate
finishing the work by the first of December next ready for going
over it a second time and rewriting the manuscript for printing
desiring to have it ready for the printer's hands by our next Gen-
eral Conference in April. We are already enquiries of several
firms concearning their terms for printing, binding, etc., that we
may be able to lay the same before you in time to receive your
counsel and instruction concerning the same.

Since writing my last letter to you there has been no
marked change in the Mission. The reports received from the
Elders presiding over the various districts are to the effect that,
generally, the Saints are feeling and doing well; but there are
however, in all the districts therose who give way to their former
loose lives, being overcome by adultery, which, I am sorry to
say, is the leading sin in their midst.

The health of the Elders is good so far as I know. Elder
Geo. S. Taylor will leave for home next week, by way of England.


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and Elder William Gardner in November. The weather still con-
tinues quite unsettled, but anticipate fine weather soon. E

Ever praying for the blessings of God to rest upon you,
and the members of the Apostles suited to your high and holy
callings and your peculiar circumstances of to-day, and longing
for the time when you can again mingle with the People. The
Elders and Sister Katie unite with me in sending kind love.

I remain your Brother in the great cause of the Truth,

Wm Paxman

[sideways text] Wm Paxman
24 Sept. 1887

Wm [Auig]
24 S [end of sideways text]