Letter from Alonzo Pratt Kesler, 15 December 1897 [LE-39607]

Document Transcript

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Eastern States Mission,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
No. 50 Concord Street,
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brooklyn, . 189

Prest. Wilford Woodruff,
Salt Lake City,

My dear Brother: With pleasure I hand you herewith our financial
report for the past three months. You see we are able to keep our
head above water, and we have a very nice office to invite our
strangers in to see us, such as news paper reporters ect. Indeed
I am happy to say we have a very comfortable conference house.

I am prepared to receive our brethern as they come to
their fields of labor. We have about 120 Elders in this field and
it seems as though we could use that many more to a good advantage
Wehave only baptized upwards of 100 people since my time here, but
I think that is fairly good when we consider that nearly all of
our Elders are new in the field. Our Neophites, what we have are
good inteligent people, and we are educating them hiow to pay
tithing and live their religion.

I have been all through the field twice and have organized
Eleven Conferences. Our Elders are full of faith and determined
to do their duty. Part of them travel without money. Recently
while I was at Boston holding conference I met an old member of
our Church who was Baptized by Prest. Young and he has not seen
one of our Elders before for 45 Yrs. With love to your self and
Coworkers, I remain, with prayers for "Zion's" triumph,

Your brother,
A P Kesler

Very good letter.
J. F. S.

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for the quarter ending Dec, 15, 1897.

M. H. Cooley 20.00
Myron [Cooley] 25.00
Isaac [Cooley] 25.00
Nellie [Cooley] 6.00
Earl Owen 10.00
J. W. Hanson 5.66
Eliza Clough 10.00
Marian J. Larsen .50
E. T. Jones 10.00
H. C. Hansen 1.00
Maria J. Molden 1.00
Elisha Mcloud 1.00
Christine Anderson 10.00
Maria Gortzinski 2.00
Rachel Gutheirie 1.00
J. H. Bonham 1.00
Cyrus A. Thompson 1.00
Frank Troutman .50
Zipporag B. Jones 1.00
Mary S. Jones .50
Hezekiah Bryant 2.50
S. P. Radabaugh 5.00
Lydia Hefner 1.00
Wm. Stout 1.00
Wesley Collins 3.00
Austin Thartsock 2.00
Hayes Hymes .50
Esdras Howell 7.00
Emeline Stephens 2.00
Mary Mc.Kune 2.45
Joseph Phelps .50
Rob't. Parsons 6.00
Mrs. A. T. Smith 1.00
Marea Nelson 4.15
Elizabeth Carroll 1.60
[Total] $171.86

C. D. Juchau 8.00
Elders 34.70
Hezekiah Campbell .40
M. H. Cooley 1.00
Simon [Cooley] .20
Myron [Cooley] .40
Isaac [Cooley] .30
Nellie [Cooley] .30
Willis Campbell .60
Earl Owen .60
Ralph Archibald 1.00
Sarah Blackburn 15.00
Marian J. Larsen .25
Maria Gortzinski .25
Nels E. Molden .25
M. Gernsey .75
CH. Skinner .25
G. F. Windom .20
M. A. Dennison .10
Emeline Stephens .25
R. H. oSper 1.00
Mlis A. Romeny 2.00
Stephen Love 1.00
Robert Patrick 1.00
Total Received 241.66
On hand Sep. 15th. 5.02

Coal 12.90
Rent 80.00
House Expense 11.49
Traveling Expense 63.600
Stationary 13.89
balance on Hand Dec. 15, 1897.
A P Kesler
Pres't. Eastern States Mission.

This looks prosperous, & like becoming
Self-sustaining. J. F. S.

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A. P. Kesler
Dec. 15 [18]97