Letter from Frederick Jensen Holst, 24 March 1898 [LE-17032]

Document Transcript

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[sideways text] Fredk Jensen Holst
[end of sideways text]

Ephraim, Utah. March 24, 1898

President Wilford Woodruff;

Dear Brother.

I have for some
time been worked upon by the spirit of the
Lord, to go to my native land, Denmark to get
my genealogy. I have written, and sent by
missionaries, but in vain.

I read ^in^ your sermon in the Deseret News, that
we would be under condemnation if we did not
do what was in our power for the salvation of our
dead. I know it is true, and my duty to do what
I can, or I will be held responsible.

I have spoken to President Peterson consernng
this matter. He is willing, and says it is all right,
but ^he^ would like your sanction and consent, if it
is according to your will. I feel myself, that with
the Lord's heelp and the blessings of my brethren
that I will be able to fulfill this mission.

I am past seventy years old but have good health

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I desire to work as missionary while I am
there. My family is willing that I should go.
Will be in Salt Lake the 7th of May and go
with the other missionaries.

Will you kindly answer this to President
Connte Peterson.

And greatly oblige
Your Brother in the Gospel
Frederick Jensen Holst

He writes well—if he has written the
above. Why not approve of his going?
I am perfectly willing he
should go—as seeking genealogies
and not strictly as a missionary,
but he should have an Elder's
certificate. J.F.S.

Can a birth be obtained for this brother?

May 7th we leave 11