Letter from John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 16 August 1878 [LE-39092]

Document Transcript

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St George, Utah.

Presidents John Taylor
and Wilford Woodruff,
Salt Lake City.

Dear Brethren,

2 and 3 o'clock this morning it began to thun-
der and lighten in this City. At 3 o'clock
it commenced to rain, and shortly after
3, the Temple was struck by lightning. The
East Side of the small Octagon under the vane
appears to have been first struck, then the East-
ern face of the octagonal dome, thence cours-
ing down the N.E. rib of the dome on the in-
side, coming out through the cornice under
the dome, thence down the lower Octagon
between the siding and the N.N.E. column, strik-
ing N. along the roof of the square tower
then passing through the tower roof and
after doing so divided making exit,
one part through the E. front of the tower
but the larger part through the N. front

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of the tower. The part which passed out
the E. side made a fracture on the out-
side of the N. centre recess on its N.
side, but the inside is considerably
shattered in the centre of the. E side of
the tower. The outside fracture is about
5 ft long perpendicularly and averaging 6
inches in width. The part which passed
through the N. side of the tower went down
the side of the tower till it reached the
main roof; here it tore the roofing canvas
from the fastenings on the inside of
the main roof parapet, and apparently
went down the roof drain pipe to the
large cistern without doing further

You will perceive that the damage
is to Dome and Tower, consisting of
woodwork and lash and plaster work.
The main building is all right except
the two upper circular window frames on
the S. side of the tower. These are shattered
and blackened though but one light of

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glass is fractured.

Herewith please find enclosed Photograph
of the St George Temple which is sent to
aid you in the understanding our descrip-
tion. The red ink marks show the out-
side damage as far as we can.

Shall we repair the damage done
or not? Until we hear from you
we shall use a wagon cover &c to
prevent damage by rain.

We gratefully recognize the providence
of the Almighty in the comparatively
slight damage done, in consideration
of the severity of the shock.

It has not in the least interfered
with our Ordinance work.

With kindest remembrance and
prayers for you and all co-laborers for

I remain, as ever,
Yours in the Gospel.
John D. T. McAllister

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[sideways text] J. D. T. McAllister
16 Aug 1878
The injury done to the St
George Temple by Lighting [end of sideways text]