In answer to your letter
of the 21 inst I camn say I am very desirous of
filling the mission ato which I have been
appointed but as you will learn by the
inclosed certificate I am not able at
present to say when my health will permit
me to go but trusting in the Lord that I
may soon be restored to my former health
so that I may fulfill the mission to
which I have been called I remain your
humble brother in the Gospel of Christ
Not until his health is
good could he be expected,
to go on a mission. May he
soon recover from his afflictions.
Let him have ample time, and
report when ready. J F. S.
I hereby certify that MrEzra Howell
is at present confined to bed on
account of a severe attack of
inflammation of the bowels & kidneys
and that in his present debilitated
condition it would be rash to expose
himself to any hardships which might
induce a return of the malady.
Under these circumstances I have as
his medical adviser, counseled him not
to go on the mission to which he has
been called until his health is