Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 20 January 1893 [LE-39571]

Document Transcript

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Prests: Wilford Wodruff
George. Q. Cannon
Joseph. F. Smith.

Dear Brethren:

We are very
short of elders: many, whose time has nearly
expired, wish very much to be home at the
Dedication. A number have applied to be released
in time to put in their spring crops, or their years
work is lost. Some must be released in con-
sequence of ill health. All this, makes it nec-
cessary for me to remain in touch with this
office, but I must have a warmer climate
than England.

The devil has had a great
time in Denmark, near Copenhagen. L. C.
, P. C. Gurtsen Jr. and H. C. Hansen, elder[s]
from home, and many of the Aarhus branch
have received great demonstrations through the
visitation of Angels and God Himself (?) through
a Mrs. Jensen, whom this great being called
first a poor woman; but after the elders had
stood guard over her for 11 days and nights,
[c]asting the devil out of her many times, was

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called a pure woman. She gave them con-
stant revelation: how many times the must
administer to her: the particular part of her body
which the enemy got into: and from what I can
learn he invaded every crack and crevice from
head to heels. The elders found a pleasant
nook near the house and dedicated the spot to prayer,
and here they received many precious revelations. Mrs.
Jensen had them The elders administer to her, that
she might ^believe that they believed in her &^ have all [cleave] in her words. Then
claimed that the phrophets Joseph, Brigham &
John were those giving revelation: the accumula-
tion kept on until there was 12 of each kin[d]
they fought over the poor woman all three days and
nights. At the expiration of the allotted time, Mrs.
Jensen became a pure woman (!) She was then
prepared to give the saints, pure counsel. I laid
the matter before the Lord, but did not feel to go there
myself, so wrote to Prest. Christiansen to take conse
with his brethren, and straighten things out. I said
if the Lord had revelations for the people, it would
come from the proper source: these spiritual manif[es]-
tations were evil, and the adversary would li[ke]
to prevent the honest in heart, in that vicinty f[rom]

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receiving the testimony of the Lord's servants.
I send Bro. George E. Young, son of
Lorenzo D., home: he has been here about
three months: he will tell you his sin, com-
mitted with a woman. I leave it to you, as to the
wisdom of telling this your aged father George said
and said to me, this will hasten fathers death
when he knows it. I have no one here but
Alfred Solomon, that I can leave in charge of
the mission: I have called him to take temporary
charge, while I am away, and if you deem him
suitable, write me, and I will hasten home.
Albert has the spirit of this work, and he should
have the the experience of a travelling elder. Jos. Quinn
is in the office now outside of Willy, there is no
more to get the Star out. Bro. Solomon could not ma[nage] [page torn]
the work. Willy has been ailing, but is now all rig[ht]
Such matters as these, makes me feel to keep in w[ork]
with the office. You know Bro. Solomon as w[ell]
as I do: he is the most experienced we have.
shall try him for two or three weeks, until your
answer comes. So far as I know he amply abl[e]
to tide over until after dedication, but yous are
the best judges. I an sorry the mission is now

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down: elders are hard to get I know and,
perhaps I have not kept you thoroughly posted
as to our wants: I have tried to do so, and I have
to be forgiven for any negligence witnessed in m[e]
by the Lord, or any brethren. Emigration business
is at a low ebb. The White Star & Cunarder lines:
have things all their own way. Second cabin for
returning [delay saints] nearly twice first cabin
on Guions steamers, which latter have ceased
to run, and may never again [remove] traffic
under the same favorable aspect for our
emigration. We are at sea about emigration water
I dare not leave the mission until you say Bro.
Solomons appointment will be satisfactory, or you [send]
some one else to act intergnum. Would that I did feel
at liberty to go: I would sail on [page torn] [Teutonic] 25th inst.
Many elders are praying to be released, & is my opinion, their
prayers should be answered formally: but in consideration
of high prices charged on the above named lines of
steamers, the expense to the church will be enormous.
I think the bret[h]ern who want to go home, & should
be released, and insist on going on these, put into
under this promise on prices, ought to pay the
difference in pric beween Guions good cabin

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and the present second cabin rates, or wait
for a few weeks until Guions start their
steamers. True Guions may go to [illegible] [page torn]
but if the elders wait for their chance
and the Guion Co. fails, they can [a wait here]
by the church, which will stand good for their
passage under those circumstances.

Please answer this letter soon as you
can, that I may feel at liberty to
come home.

God bless you. [illegible] [page torn]
are the brethren. Your Brother [illegible] [page torn]

Brigham Young