Letter to Aphek Woodruff and Azubah Hart Woodruff, 25 August 1836 [LE-47]

Document Transcript

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Paris Henry County Tenn.

Aphek & Azubah Woodruff

Dear Parents

with a realizing sens of my Duty I owe to God my Redeemer &
Savior & obligations I am under to my Parents who have
fostered me from my cradle to manhood & whose feelings
still often in warm exercise for my wellfare. It is amid such
reflections that I take up my pen to address you in answer to a letter
that fell into my hands last Evening which I re^a^d which I with
great Delight & thanksgiving to God to again hear from you & learn
that you & the rest of my friends were in the land of the living. The
l^e^tter alluded to from under the hand of my Mother Dated June 20th
was interesting to me I was truly rejoiced to hear from so many of
my friends & in answering your letter I asked my Heavenly
Father in the name of Jesus Christ [FIGURE] to inspire my heart and pen while
I write for who does not need wisdom to write & speak when all of
their words will be recorded upon the Archives of heaven to be read in
the day of Eternity. Firstly I would say I am still enjoying the best of
health which blessing I am sorry to hear my Mother is depreived of. Also
my peace is like a river & my my righteousness be like the waves
of the Sea allthough persecution of a dark aspect threatens me with
a bold front upon my right & left yea scourgeings & death we
are threatened with we have to contend with with idolatry, superstition, liings,
Prejudice, Priestcraft, & spiritual wickedness in high places yea in
places whare I have been preaching the fulness of the gospel of Jesus
& nothing els the County Clerks Sheriff's co^n^stables, Esqrs,
Priests of different denominations with drunkerds thiefs murderers
manslayers are combined together in the face of all law human
or Divine against me & my Brethren with me in the ministry
in this country for no other reason but preaching the true gospel
of the Son of God & some of them in their blind zeal have falsly sworn
things against me the date of which was months before I step'd
into the State. But none of these things moove me for I know
that my Redeemer lives & while kind heaven sends me breath
& a dying people to be warned I will not shun to declare the whole
council of God. Perhaps the question may arise in your minds why all
this opposition to me & to others belonging the Church of Latter Day Saints if
we are the people of God the question Answer is at hand because God
hath chosen us out of the world theirfore they hate us as they always have
the Saints John XV:19. It is impossible to live godly in Christ [FIGURE] Jesus & not
suffer persecution in this generation. Think not that I am Destitute
of friends in consequence of speaking of the above I have more than
a hundred fold for while persecution rages around us the word of God mu
ltiplys the honest in heart enbrace the word of Truth & the little Stone is [pro
by the arm of Jehovah & he will soon thunder from his hiding place
upon this generation he is my friend I have nothing to fear if faithful

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Dear Parents, I hope you nor none of my friends will think me
assuming while addressing you upon spiritual Subjects I have but one
motive in view & that to clean my garments of all whether they be Parents
Brethren Sisters Neighbours Priest or People Kings or rullers whareever
my My Master calls. My motive is ^to^ act for the best good of all my
fellowmen. But O how changed the scene a few months since my
mind was flushed with the idea of accumilateing something of this worlds
goods that I might enjoy the society of my Parents in their decline of
life with other friends not knowing because the prophets were dead &
the fathers fallen asleep but what all things would continue as they were
from the beginning. But now the scene is changed while I am called
to forsake Parents Brethren Sisters houses lands to go fourth as a lamb
among wolfs, to assist in pruning the vineyard for the last time yea
to Jews as well as gentile to visit foreign climes & the Islands of
Sea to endure the perils of chains, vaults, dungeons, scourgings, &
every epithet than^t^ an indignant wicked generation can heap
upon my head for the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the spirit
of prophecy
. With these Eternal truths resting upon my mind
I say unto you my Dear friends in the name of Jesus Christ &
by the authority of the Priesthood confered upon me that I do not
war at uncertainty I do not fight as those that beat the air I know
in whohm whom I trust. I was not called by man nor by the
will of a man by^u^t by the revelation of Jesus Christ therefore I intreat
you to receieve my testimony when I say to one & all of my friends to
whom my pen or voice may reach to repent & be Baptized for the
remishion of your sins that you may receieve the Holy Ghost by the laying
on of hands
of those who are ordained unto that power for this promise is
unto you & unto your Children & to all that are afar off even as many
as the Lord our God shall call. [Acts 2:38-39] I say again the cause of Latter Day Saints
is not fals, is not quakerisms, Catholicism, or secret it is openly manifest
before the world as much as the Church was in the days of Jesus Christ. The
Book of Mormon is the word of God it is true it is a precious treasure, it
is the record of the tribe of Joseph it is the stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim
we hold it as sacred as we do the Bible & no more so for Testimony see
Gen 49ch 22: to 27 Deut 33ch 13 to 18, Psalms 85ch 11:12 Rev 14ch6, Isaiah 29ch 8 to 24: Ezekiel 37ch
16 to 28
Gen 48ch 16; 1st Chron 5ch 1:2 Jer 31ch 9, Hosea 8ch 12, St John 10ch 16. Now I say is not
Ephraim a multitude of nations in the midst of the Earth upon this continent
were not the tribe of Joseph sheep as much as much as the tribe of Judah at
Asia is not the Book of Mormon the record of the tribe of Joseph as much
as the Bible of the tribe of Judah it certainly is All the meek & honest
of the Earth that will read the Book of Mormon without prejudice & ask
God in the name of Jesus Christ for his spirit & light & truth & are willing
to obey His commands to such I say they will have the Spirit of God to
lead them into the light of the Book of Mormon they will receieve it & believe
it is true as their is a God in Israel

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Again I testify that the Church of Christ of Later Day Saints is traveling
out of the wilderness & is esstablished upon the foundations of the Ancient
Apostles & Prophets Christ Jesus the chief corner Stone yea possessing
the gifts & graces that Jesus said should follow the believer she has her
Prophets, Apostles, Evangelest, Pastors, Teachers Wisdom knowledge, faith
healings, Toungues, interpettations, &c yea Joseph Smith Jr is a
true Prophet of the most High God & the word of God is costantly
fulfilling that came forth by the mouths of that prophet unto this
generation & he will stand Blessed upon this Earth when the hail
sweeps away the reffuge of ties that his eniemies have hid th^i^mselfs
under as to his bringing forth revelations, to send the poor to Zion
& keeping the rich at Kirtland is as fals as the [Alolraran]. You
do not hear but vary little truth respecting him or the Church
what from the report of the Day however respectable the scourse
may appear As it respects what Sister Elizabeth said I have no
knowledge of the case I know not who the person was But admiring
that case to be all true what does it argu[e] it Prooves that he was
out of the way & did evil but that does not Proove the work or
Body to be fals no more than because Peter Denied his Lord should
make Christ a fals Prophet & all the Apostles wolfs in sheeps clothing [Matthew 26:69-75]
As it respects Brother Azmon's leeving the Church & advising me to do the
same I have ownly to say I wrote him a letter in great plain [page smudged]
the subject & I cleared my garments at that time in so doing I [page smudged]
the cause I have ingaged in is of God it will stand the [^w^reck] of empires [page smudged]
when every other system is destroyed it will stand I have no desire to
deprive Br Azmon the privilege of thinking & doing as he sees fit I certanly
wish him well in all things temporal & spiritual & all other relatives
But O my God must I view the gentiles, my country, Neighbours
& my Kinsman doomed to famin, fire, blood & sword &
not the least exertion make to rescue them from that vortex which
will overtake this generation as in the days of Lot & Noah I say most
I retire in peace from this scenery (which I Know is coming upon the
Earth) with out lifting the warning voice unto my Kinsman as well as
others Let God forbid for I will arise in the strength of Elijahs God
& combat error with everlasting truth & in the name of Jesus Christ
I will warn this generation to flee out of Babylon literally to that
thay may escape her sins & plagues by fleeing unto Zion & stand in holy
places while Judgments work One year shall not roo^l^l over my head
(if God will) before I will stand before you my Parents & other
Kinsman in Connecticut & proclaim the truth by word of mouth
None knows my sensations & feelings but those in like circumstances
who have seen felt & know by dreams, visions & revelations the [er^c^rtainty]
& nearness of those things that are comeing upon the Earth. I marvel I wonder
while beholding the signs of the times & seeing the blindness of man. My
Parents My Kinsman what motive can I have to try to deceieve you upon
these eternal Events do I not know whereoff I affirm do I not know the reality
of the church of Lateerday Saints better than those who ownly know from report I
do I do not deceieve. I tell the truth. I lie not God bearing witness of it

your Son.

W. Woodruff

Aphek & Azubah Woodruff

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It is my intention to attend school in Kirtland through the comeing winter &
early in the spring I expect to visit you & spend the summer in Connecticut
you may rely upon the above except some unforeseen circumstances should
deprive me of the privilege which I do not think will be the case. I have much I
would like to say had I room & time. I expect to leave for Kirtland in a
few weeks or immediately after the conference. I was truly glad to hear from
Brothers Azmon, Thompson Asahel Aunt Cossett & Elizabeth & others. I wish
to be remembered to Elizabeth, if you see her again & all enquiring friends
I was truly glad to hear from Uncle Joseph Heart. I shall write him letter
& I desire to see them all. I am glad Brother Azmon has sold some of his
land & is out of deabt. Give my respects to Sister Eunice I desire much to see
her. O Sister Eunice I wish you to walk in virtues paths reject all temptations
incident to youth & be wise & you will recieve a crown of glory.


[upside-down text] It is seldom that I get any letters from my relatives in the East
I would be glad to have you write as often as your health & circum-
stances will permit. I will write you again when I reach Kirtland
whare I shall want my letters Directed. I truly rejoice to find
you so candid in your remarks upon the Church of Latter Day Saints
I pray the Lord that your understandings may be enlightened so
as to comprehend the light & truth that begins to cause the Saints to
rejoice & will deluge this Earth as the waters cover the great deep it
is light & truth & I think you will say so when you are acq-
uainted with it. I want you to pray in faith before God give
me your prayers you shall have mine {Wilford Woodruff} [end of upside-down text]

[sideways text] O ye despisers & wonder & [p]erish & said a prophet for I work
a work in your days which I will not believe though a man
declare it unto you. This is the case with the majority of this
generation but I thank God thare is exceptions. Wac^t^ch the signs
of the times for Babylon will fall in this generation. Israel be gathered
Christ desend in the clouds of heaven to reign with his Saints even so let it be

Mr Aphek Woodruff
Colebrook Litchfield County

Paris, Ten
Septr 1.


Wilford August 25
To Aphek & Azubah Woodruff [end of sideways text]