Religious – Dreams and Visions 1880s [R-3]

Document Transcript

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Vision of Farnsworth

On a clear still day about 1 oclock pm about the time of the ringing
of the bell for the Temple Hands to commence work in Nauvoo
All of a sudden the Heavens assumed a heavy gloomy appearance
And the Saints in Nauvoo appeared to be all in confusion and
downcast countenance and the 12 Apostles commenced councelling the
Saints to gather in from the varioust settlements and prepair for a long
journey to the west. They gathered together started in waggons as far as
the eye could reach, after travelling some time the journey seemed
to be accomplished and much easier than was anticipated & matters
seemed to assome a bright & more cheerful appearance and prosper-
ity attended the Saints for a short season. All on a sudden a terrible
dark cloud arose & continued to thicken and grow more terrible
in appearance untill every ray of hope or prospect of escape seemed
to be cut off. At this time the Authorities of the Church all appeared
to be absent. Brigham Young came in suddenly into our midst followed
by the Twelve, & commenced councilling the Saints to be of good cheer
& see the Salvation of the Lord, but by the dark & gloomy appearance of
some the advise seemed to have but little effect & the first I knew
the Church seemed to be gathered together in a circle with 3 strong
Iron Bands around it & Brigham leading the 12 with small
Mallets in their hands like masons mallets they were passing around tapping
and driveing the hoops. This was the first time I noticed the absence of
Joseph & Hyram Smith, and I felt troubled & weighed down on
account of it while Brigham & the 12 were thus driving & tightning
the hoops they appeared to have the most determined, fierce, resolute,
countenances I ever beheld & the Saints seemed to be pressed almost
beyound endurance actually driven to the point of starvation and the
heavens assumed a terrible asspect at this time. A thought aroused my
mind and I was just about giving the utterance to the expression that the Saints
could not stand it any longer when all of a sudden they burst the hoops
asunder and sumthing more than half of them ran like frightened sheep
Just at this moment the black cloud that overspread the Heavens burst instantly
over our heads and the countenances of the Authorities that before had
seemed tyranical & oppressive instantly changed to the most heavanly
& pleasant appearance all our troubles were instantly banished

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And I could not help giving utterance aloud to the expression
I am glad I stood a moment longer and Brigham took the
company aside into what appeared like a cellar & spread before them
the most beautiful luxuriant feast that I ever beheld from this time
the Saints were of one heart & mind & the power & glory of God
rested upon them & the elements & all things were subject unto them
and as I was contemplating upon the scenery through which we had
past, the spirit of the Lord came upon me & showed me through it, that
it was necessary for the Saints to pass through just such straightened
circumstances & trials in order to sift out those who are unworthy to
enjoy the blessings that we now enjoy, the cloud that first hung
over the Saints rolled off upon the inhabitants of the United States
with tenfold vengance, such scenes of vengance famine pestilance and
bloodshed followed that it is out of my power to describe. The Church
started South for Jackson County Missouri, myself & some other
Brethren were passing through a lane in Jackson Co, we saw a
Missouri mobacratt vary malicious in appearance coming towards us
on the opposite side of the road & when about opposite to us his eye
caught ours he immediately withered & disappeared. From the [ink blot]
of the dark Cloud to the close of the vision I have no recollection
of seeing any women or children. Amen

[Sideways Text]
Vision of Farnsworth
[End Sideways Text]

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Revelation given to
Wilford Woodruff,
Salt Lake City

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Revelation given to President Wilford Woodruff.

Sunday, at Salt Lake City, Utah

Thus saith the Lord, to my servant Wilford, I the
Lord, have heard thy prayers and thy request, and will
answer thee by the voice of my spirit. Thus saith the
Lord, unto my servants the Presidency of my Church, who
hold the Keys of the Kingdom of God on the earth, I the
Lord hold the destiny of the Courts in your midst, and the
destiny of this nation, and all the nations of the earth in
mine own hands; and all that I have revealed, and
promised, and decreed concerning the generation in
which you live, shall come to pass, and no power shall
stay my hand. Let not my Servants who are called
to the Presidency of my Church, deny my word or my
law, which concerns the salvation of the children
of men. Let them pray for the Holy Spirit, which
shall be given them to guide them in their acts. Place
not yourselves in jeopardy to your enemies by
promise; your enemies seek your distruction and
the distruction of my people. If the Saints will

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hearken unto my voice, and the counsel of my
Servants, the wicked shall not prevail. Let my
servants, who officiate as your counselors before
the Courts, make their pleadings as they are
moved upon by the Holy Spirit, without any further
pledges from the Priesthood, and they shall be justified.
I the Lord, will hold the Courts, with the officers of
Government, and the nation, responsible for their
acts towards the inhabitants of Zion. I, Jesus
Christ, the Savior of the world, am in your midst.
I am your advocate with the Father. Fear not little
flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
the Kingdom. Fear not the wicked and ungodly.
Search the scriptures, for they are they which testify of
me; also those revelations which I have given to
my servant Joseph, and to all my servants since
the world began, which are recorded in the records
of divine truth. Those revelations contain the
judgments of God, which are to be poured out upon
all nations under the heavens, which include

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Great Babylon. These judgments are at the door, they
will be fulfilled, as God lives. Leave judgment
with me, it is mine saith the Lord. Watch the signs
of the times
, and they will show the fulfillment of the
words of the Lord. Let my Servants call upon the
Lord in mighty prayer, retain the Holy Ghost as
your constant companion, and act as you are
moved upon by that spirit, and all will be
well with you. The wicked are fast ripening
in iniquity, and they will be cut off by the judg-
ments of God. Great events await you and this
generation, and are nigh at your doors. Awake,
O Israel, and have faith in God, and His promises,
and He will not forsake you. I the Lord will de-
liver my Saints from the dominion of the
wicked, in mine own due time and way. I
cannot deny my word, neither in blessing nor
judgments. Therefore let mine Anointed gird
up their loins, watch and be sober, and keep my
commandments. Pray always and faint not;

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exercise faith in the Lord, and in the promises of
God; be valient in the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The eyes of the Lord and the Heavenly Hosts are
watching over you and your acts. Therefore be
faithful until I come, I come quickly to reward
every man according to the deeds done in the
body, even so, Amen.
[rest of page blank]

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Geo Washington's vision
and other papers —

Page 9

L. D. S. Historian's Office,
P. O. BOX 321,

Salt Lake City, Utah,

During the night of Aug 9 I had the
following dream I was in a large meeting
of the Latter Day Saints President
Taylor & Cannon were present some
strange man came into the congregation
and handed me a large sheet of papyrus
of important records I did not know what
they contained soon President Young came
along with a Mormon car that the
presidency, Twelve, and Leading Men were to
get into. We were all required to take our
Temple Clothing with us President Young also
presented us with a lock that we were to lock
up the car with and he wrote on the
bolt, that we was to lock the car with
[FIGURE] Priesthood
Wilford Woodruff

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On the Night of the
I dreamed I was in the Celestial Kingdom of
God with the Saints, and all persons
there were exalted to blessings according
to ther faithfulness or deprived of
them according to their transgressions
some were far more exalted than others

W Woodruff

[upside down text]
W Woodruffs Dream.
[end upside down text]