Letter from Otto Johnson, 17 January 1893 [LE-39251]

Document Transcript

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Grantsville .

President Wilford Woodruff
Dear Brother,

Your letter of the 10th inst.
is at hand and contents noted.
It was quite a surprise to me
to be called to go on a mission,
as I feel that I am not very
well qualified for such a
labor. but as I have no
reasonable excuse to offer
for not going, I will by the
help of the Lord ^to^ go and
do the best I can, and
will try and be ready
to start by the time warned
in your letter Apr. 15th.

Yours very Respectfully
Otto Johnson

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Bro Woodruff as Bro Johnson's
name has been mentioned as
a missionary, I can with
pleasure endorse the call
as he is a faithfull member
of our ward in good
standing and I believe he
will fill an honorable
and good mission

Your Bro in the Gospel
James L. Wrathull

[upside-down text]
Otto Johnson
Jany 17 [18]93.
[end of upside-down text]