James Leishman Wrathall
James Leishman Wrathall (1860-1932) was born 22 Sep. 1860 in Grantsville, Tooele Co., Utah Territory. He was the son of James Wrathall and Mary Leishman. He married Peninah S. Hunter on 2 Feb. 1882 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah Territory; participated in plural marriage. He was baptized 11 Jun. 1871. While serving as a Bishop, he commented on mission call responses sent by individuals in his ward to President Wilford Woodruff from 1891 to 1898. He died 29 Nov. 1932 in Grantsville.
James Leishman Wrathall (KWZZ-NB8), “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 20 Oct. 2023). James Leishman Wrathall, Wilford Woodruff Papers (https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/subjects/james-leishman-wrathall, accessed 20 Oct. 2023). “Missionary Department missionary registers, 1860-1959 / Book A, 1860 April 25-1894 April 27,” entry for James Lishman Wrathall, p. 85, no. 34, image 94/160, CR 301 22; Church History Library (https://catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, accessed 23 Oct. 2023). Deseret Evening News, “An Excellent Match” (Salt Lake City, Utah Territory), 2 Feb. 1882, vol. 15, no. 62, p. 3; database with images, Utah Digital Newspapers (https://digitalnewspapers.org/, accessed 23 Oct. 2023). "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed 23 Oct. 2023); James Leishman Wrathall, 29 Nov. 1932, Grantsville, Tooele Co., Utah, certificate 3203470, series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah; DGS 2259930.