Letter to William Atkin, 4 April 1888 [LE-7684]

Document Transcript

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P. O. BOX B.

Salt Lake U. T.

Wm Atkin

Dear Brother

I received a Letter
from Brother McAllister and I Judged
He was at your House And perhaps several
other Brethern and so I have written
several Letters and Enclosed directed to you
which I write you to Distribute when
you have a chance as they may be
with you and if the one not send to
them when you have a chance It seems
that you were not inspired any to soon to build
that stone room that I occupied as it
may accomodate a Number of men. I am
still busy & crowded with work my health
is pretty good at present I was glad
to hear that Wm was Recovering from

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his last I hope He will get well again

I want you to give my Love to sister
Atkins & all the boys & girls Sister Atkins
has waited upon me like a Mother and I Icannot forget it I would Like to see you
all again our State Suit is still
going on I dont know what the End
would be. If you Ever come to the
county come & see me & I will
do the same by you I would like
to go over your place once more
and see how things look over that
farm & pond &c I hope you may
prosper in all you do Confernce is
upon us I shall not attend this year
I shall write but a short Epistles this
Conference you will now have to watch
for a New kind of Black Ducks

I pray God to Bless you for all
your kindness to all Men underground
and above ground

Your Brother
L Allen