W Woodruff {I} feel {we have} [h]ad one {of the} most interest{ing} conferences ever experienced {we have} rec[eive]d {the} most sublime truths. {it} appe[a]rs {that so much} much int. {has been} poured {out}
{that all are} full {we have} recd. many new truths {which will} amply {pay us for the time we have} spent here. {we have} had addresses {from the} Drs. {and} lawyers {and I} bel[ieve] {that if} Jesus [h]ad {been here}
{he} w[ould]d. {have} blessed them instead {of} wo unto {you} lawyer {and} Drs. {I} feel {they will} rece[ive] {a} bless{ing} instead {of a} curs{ing} {I} hope {they will be} carr[ied] {out}
{and then [illegible shorthand] to} O Cowdery {if you} labor {all the} d[ay]s {of your} life {and} bring one soul {in} then {how} great {will be the} rej[oicin]g {of that man in the} K[ingdo]m {of} H[eave]n. [Doctrine and Covenants 18:15]
{the} El {of} Is now {see the} fruits {of their} labors. {all the} faithful El[ders] rej[oice] {in} see[ing] {the} fruits {of} our labors. {there is a} consol[atio]n {in it it is} worth labor[ing] toil[ing] {and} struggling {for}
{the} bless{ings we have} enjoyed this conf. amply repa[y] {a man for} com[ing] across {the} plains {I} w[oul]d {to God the} ppl [k]new {the} prin[ciples] {of the} gospe[l] {[there was/they are so]} 1000 {of the} inhabitants {has come as we [illegible shorthand]}
{how} w[oul]d {the} 40,000 S[ain]ts {in} England rej[oice] {to} hear {the} truths {of} this conf. {we have} accomplished {the} journey {they have} got {it to} perform {the Lord has} raised {up} this ppl {and has} given
{you the} honor {to} perform this work {for our} heavenly Far. {The Lord is} angry {with the} nations {of the} E[arth] {how} does {he} feel when {he} sees {men} made {in the} image {of God and they}
pollutn {on their} lips {all the time. you have} got {to} contend {for the} truths {and if} death stares {you in the} face walk {up} like {a man and} face {it is a}
burlesk {to see we are the} despised L D S. {they} secretly {in their} hearts honor {the} ppl {though they} ma[y] spill {their} blood la[y] them prostrate {in the} E[arth]
{the} Sts {of God are the} best ppl {on the} E[arth] {I} feel every {man has} encourage {to} labor {it is a} cou[n]sel {to them [illegible shorthand] the} prin[ciples] given this conf. {are} important
{and if we} improve them {we shall have a} crown {of} glory {and} etl life {I} can bear test {that} this work {is} true {and the} B {of} M {was} given {by} inspr {from God and that} Josh
{was a} prot {he} died {died a} martyr {and they have} not {out} done {with} them {they} certainly {will} judge {the} gen[eratio]n {in which they} live {they will} stand {as} witnesses ag[ain]st {them} then
{all} loved {him} who {were} acquainted {with him I} bear test also {that} our Presdt {is a} Prot Seer {and} Rev[elato]r {and he will} cont[inue] {to be with} them let us follo our leaders {and I have no} fear {of}
our Salv {[at] and} blessed {the} ppl