To the presidency of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints.
Dear Brethern
being a teacher in the Huntington
Ward & desireing to teach
corect principles, I aply to
you for instruction upon the
following subject.
Some five year since Bro. Hugh Mckee formerley of Goshen came to the Y. M
Mutial & there taught that Adam was the father of Jesus
Christ, the father of our spirits
& the only God whom we
should worship, & further stated
that Adam came to this earth
bringing with him his wife Eve, & that he was not created
The following meetings held
by the Y. M. I (Bent
Johnson) went to meeting
takeing with me the above
mentioned books & there read
the word of the Lord to Abraham
& Mosses concerning the creation
of Adam from the dust of the
earth. [Genesis 2:6-7] [Abraham 5:6-7] I also read Enochs
testiomona concrerning the teach-
ings of Adam to his postirity
that they should repent & be
baptised in the name of the
Father Son & Holy Ghost. [Moses 6:21-23] And
also the comandment of the Angel
to Adam that he should worship
The Father in the name of the
Son, further telling him that all
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thou doest thou shalt do it in
the name of the Son. [Moses 5:6-8]
And in the language of Adam
we are taught that man of Hol
iness is His name, & the name
of His only begotten is the son
of man. [Moses 6:57]
Three years subcequent
to this Bro. J. D. Chase,
formerley of Nephi taught the
same doctrin at sundry times
at public gatherings upon the
Sabeth haveing only as a proof
for his statements that which
he could gather from the Journal
of Discourses.
they drauing their conclusion by
a paragraph read from the Doctrin & Covenant's, concerning
the seventh anlgle spoken of in
the 88 sec. [Doctrine and Covenants 88:106] At an opertunity
given Bro. Tho's Stotworthy
read from the same book the
words of Christ unto Joseph Smith
saying at no time have I given
a temperal comandment, no
not even unto your father Adam
whom I created. [Doctrine and Covenants 29:34] Reasoning
that Chrrist could not be the Son of
Adam, when He Him self had
created Adam. At the close of the
afore said meeting Counciler Andrew
Allen said that Adam was after
haveing created our spirits decended
upon the earth, & there begot taber^nicles^-
mcles for those spirits which he
had created.
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I—Bent Johnson—maintained
acording to the visions of Moses
as revealed to Joseph Smith,
that out of the dust of the earth
God formed Adam, Abriham
testified to the same. [Genesis 1:26-27] For this
I was ridiculed by the four
named Brethern, we discussed
the matter pro & con satisfaction
not being given however on
either side.
As I am not personaly known
to you I deem it advisable to give
you a cscetch of my life.
I embraced the Gospel in 53
suffered imprisenment hunger
& cold for the Gospel sake.
I have been theatened kicked
& mobbed many times. At one
time I was struck across the nose
breaking the asailents arm,
but I through the mercy of
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God was uninjured for I had
petitioned God to protect me in
the propigating of His word.
I emigrated in [18]55 went to St
George in [18]62 there lived 15 year
forming an intimate aquaintence
with David Canon. I rec'd my
second anointing in [18]78.
I My object in writeing is this I
am often asked questions when
teaching & I can only decide them
acording to scripture, am I right?
I take my stand from the Book
of MormonDoctrin & Covenants & Pear of Great Price.
I submit this to your
most worthie consideration hoping
I may receive a reply in the near
future. I am as ever your
Brother in the gospel.