[written in sideways text]
to father & Mother
Nov 25 [18]905
Owen`s Father & Mother
[end of sideways text]
Berlin, Nov. 25th 1895.
Dearest Father and Mother:
You may rest assured
my beloved parents I was indeed glad to
hear from you again, when after a long
silence your kind letters of Nov. 3rd and 5th
were recieved. They brought Joy to my heart and
I felt thankful to hear from you again.
It has been a long time since I wrote to
you last for the reason I have had no
letters to answer and have been as
usual overwhelmed with work. Am pleased
to inform you that Corlnelious Schettler has
been appointed to labor with me in
Berlin. I think it will prove a blessing
to him and I am sure it will to
me as my load of responsibility has been
too great and I feel some times about used
up soul and body. I am so anxious
that this Branch should prosper while
I am called to preside over it and not
having had proper assistance has made
my anxiety very great. There is more walking
and work of all kinds to be done it
Berlin than in any other Branch in
the mission. If I am successfull in fulfilling
a good mission as I would like to do
I tell you I shall be thankfull as long
as life lasts.
Elder J. J. Toronto who has just finished a
31 month mission amongst the french-speaking
people of Switzerland has been with me
for about a week; he is on his way to
Italy and perhaps to Cisily where he has
relatives. I was indeed glad to see him and
assist him in seeing Berlin. He has fulfilled
a fine mission and rejoices in the good
work he has been able to do. On returning
to Salt Lake I have requested him to call
on you; that is if he gets home before
I do. It may be some months before
he completes his tour but will no doubt
call on you several months before I
am permitted to do so.
Cornelious has not yet arrived but I am
looking for him in a few day; when
he comes and gets a little acquainted, I
must go to Stettin and visit our Branch
there and then as soon as circumstances
will permit shall go to to Soran and visit
the good saints who are left with out a
shepherd on account of the persecution forbidding
an Elder to remain there. I will be glad
to get out of Berlin for a while after having
been walled in for about four months, without
any change whatever. I think it will do me
good as I am a little under the weather.
The 23rd was my Birth-day and the good
saints reminded me of the facts by numerous
cards and letters of congratulation.
A whole swarm of letters came from
Elders, Saints and Friends in Dresden and
in Berlin. They remembered me with several nice
and usefull little presents which were appropr
iate; such as a pair of wollen socks, a dozen
linnen collars, a pocket-book & etc.
In the evening members of our choir came
and furnished beautifull music from quartette
and chorus. We have a splendid choir here
in this Branch one that would do credit
to many a Wd at home. There are
several members who play the violin which
is a pleasant feature of our little mission.
The warm love which the good souls showed
me was truly something to prized and
which I consider dear by far than gold
or silver and pray God will give me
strength to be true to the confidence of
such good people.
Amidst all trouble and trials still I have
much to be thankfull for and rejoice
to think God has thought me worthy
(weak stick that I am) to pass through
the present experience for his Gospel's sake.
Wish to thank Pa very much for the information
he gave me regarding the case of adultery.
Have been anxious to hear something about the
election and see according to the "Millennial Star
the State has gone Republican.
Am sorry the gloves I sent Alice were too small
for her, she must have a very large hand.
Some one sent me some "events of the week"
in your last letter I suppose it must have
been Alice but there was no letter with
them. Am sorry to hear of H. A. Woodruff's
illness and that Nellie is in such a bad
condition. Recd. two fine letters on my birthday
from Will and Jake in Dresden; they wish
to be kindly remembered to you and all at
home. Give my love to Aunt Janie & Zannie
and all my old friends who enquire about me.
I trust these lines may find you in the
enjoyment of good health and the blessings
of our Heavenly Father. We have had bad weather
here and a terrible fog.
Remember me with love to all my brothers and
sisters and write soon as your letters come
like a ray of spring sunshine to my heart.
God bless you dear souls with the choicest
of heaven and earth; is the constant wish
of your loving son