Letter from Gideon E. Olsen, 3 February 1894 [LE-14580]

Document Transcript

Page 1


Pres. Wilford Woodruff,
Dear SirBro.

I recived your letter,
in regard to me going
on a mission. I am willing
to go, but I have not the
means. And I am in
debt. I have nothing that
I can sell to get anything
for, my suport.

I remain your Brother
Gideon E Olsen

I am satisfied Bro. Olsen
will go as soon as he
arrange matters financially

Yours Truly
Samuel Oldham

See over.

Page 2

All right. Let us give him
time, having him to report
to us when he is ready.
J. F. S.

[upside-down text]
Gideon E. Olsen
Feb. 3 [18]94
[end of upside-down text]