Letter from Pehr Olof Holmgren, 13 February 1893 [LE-14269]

Document Transcript

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Bear River City U.

Mr W. Woodruff

President Mormon Church

Salt Lake City.

Dear Sir:

I protest against the sen-
ding of my son David Holmgren on
a mission to Sweden for the follow-
ing reasons:

I need him in my business
to Superintend the work on my farm
and take care of my stock, which in
my estimation is far more honorab-
le and useful to me, himself and
his Nation.

Should he through Priestly
influence still insist to go against
my wish, he being of age, I must
then of course submit and govern
myself accordingly.


P. O. Holmgren

We do not wish to influence
his son in the least, but as
he is of age, we are willing to leave the matter with his

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Son, as to whether it is most honorable and
useful to himself and his nation, to remain
in the service of an unbelieving father, for such
earthly reward as that service may bring
him, or to go acct in the service of god
to proclaim truth to the world for such
recompence as may be gained in
that higher and nobler service.

If his son takes the same view of
this matter as his father does, we
could readily do without him in
the misisonary field, but if he
esteems the service of God and his
fellow man as greater and better
than the mere temporal service of
an apostate father for a short time,
let him express his own choice.
J. F. S.

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P. O. Holmgren
Feb. 13 [18]93.
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