Letter from William Paxman, 10 January 1888 [LE-24878]

Document Transcript

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Poverty Bay
P. O. Box #10 New Zealand

President Wilford Woodruff
Salt Lake City Utah

Dear Beloved Brother:
It is by the kindness and blessings of
Our Heavenly Father that we are permitted to ad-
-dress you in the enjoyment of health and strength,
and I trust the spirit of this important mission,
at this the commencement of another year, and I
feel that we as saints can hail with joy each
new year, knowing as we do know, that each
one will bring about great changes for the good
and welfare of the Israel of our God, and each
one brings us nearer our redeemprtion, which God
will surely give unto us in His own due time,
and may this present one bring about liberty for
the saints of God, if that would be for our best

Your kind welcome and interesting
letter of Nov 4th came duly to hand, and was read
with great interest, as the great distance we are
from head quarters, the leaders of God's people,
makes a letter doubly welcome. We were indeed
pained to learn of you having such a bad cold
and cough, a [page torn] desire that long ere

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this you have been restored to perfect health and
strength to enable you to perform your many duties
and labors, that are required of you in your high
and holy calling.

Elder H. J. Sears was released to return
home by the December Steamer, but being disappoi
nted in getting his passage money he did not leave
Auckland for home until the 2nd inst. The check
for $12500 for his return fare came safe and was
forwarded to him. $15000 is the amount that has
been sent for the previous Elders, until this time, which amount, if the church is able to continue sending
is we think little enough as in most cases it takes
from $1000 to $2000 for them to reach Auckland,
where owing to the time the Steamers run, they have to
stay one week paying for their board, and in most every
instance their clothes are to shabby for them to return
home with.

We are thankful to state that Elders J. J. Jackson
for this Island, and Robert Lindsey and S. D. Chipman
for Australia arrived at their fields of Labor in saf^e^ty,
having had a good and pleasant voyage.

The appointing of a receiver for the Church pro-
perty, is indeed a new act in the great thieving
drama of this powerful nation. Surely the wisdom of
the wise has perished. It is very gratifying to us to
know that the feel [page torn]mes outside of the

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Territory is more micld towards us, as also to learn that
there is not that vindictiveness on the part of the officials
in our Territory, although I see that many of our bre-
-thern are being sent to prison.

Was sorry to hear of the unusual dry season coming,
so much severe sickness in the midst of the saints,
but I trust winter with her storms has before this
brought health to the homes of the saints.

We rejoiced to learn of the good health of the
Apostles, and do earnestly pray that it may contin-
ue, that they may be the power in the hands of the
Lord required at this important time in the history
of the Church.

Your kind mention of the translation of the Book
of Mormon was thankfully received and we greatly
desire to be able to fully put your kind suggestions
into practice. At our last writing we thought that
we had secured a good native assistant to help in the
revision of the work, but for some cause he failed to
come makeing a very slimsy excuse, we also obtained
a promise from the second one, with the same results,
this did not discourage us in the least for we knew
that this was the Lords work and that He would
raise up some suitable person for us, which we are
thankful to say he has done in the person of
Henare Pōtae, one that has a thorough knowledge
of the Maori language.

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Elders Ezra F. Richards and Sondra Sanders for with
his assistance have just finished the revision of the first
and second Books of Nephi, and we are most thankful
to state, that the (Henari Potae) pronounces the trans-
lation as being very good indeed, far better then he
thought it could have been done and if this is the
case of the first part of their work, it will be
still better as they get further along, as they feel, that
by the blessings of God, they improved much in the
course of their labors, this mention is made to show
that they were blessed and inspired of the Lord for
the work they had been appointed and set apart to
perform. We feel that when the revision is completed
that there will be a very good and correct translation,
one that will be quite plain, and will convey to the
minds of the Maori people the meaning in the
same plainness and simplicity and with the
same accuracy, the glorious truths contained in
that devine record, that our edition does to us.
The Lord willing, we hope to have the revision com-
pleted and the manuscript ready (or nearly so) for
the printers by our annual conference which will
commence on the 6th of April at Te Hauke, near
Napier, at which there will be present the leading
priesthood and saints of our dusky friends, (the
Maori's), we then desire to lay before them the
cost of printing and binding and adopt some

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method of raising the means necessary to defray the
expenses of the same, which we trust we will have
no great difficulty in obtaining.

In a former letter, it was stated, that we were
obtaining prices for printing and binding, from the
leading establishments in New Zealand, we have
now received the same, and will here quote the
best terms received, from the "Star Office", in Auckland,
quite a large and reliable firm, having compositers that
understand Maori, which is a great advantage, the
prices quoted are for a book of 650 pages, size of leaf
5 x 7 inches, with good paper and type, a sample
of each they have furnished us, they say.

Our price for 2000 copies not more then 656 pages,
bound in leather as per sample herewith inclosed would
be £420.0.0d, for 1000 additional copies £150.0.0d
If found in cloth (sample inclosed)

2000 copies £385.0.0d
1000 additional copies £125.0.0d

thus you see, that by having the 3000 copies, they
will cost, in leather 3s-10d each or 95 cents, in cloth
3s-5d or 85 cents, these figures are 40 percent lower than
any others we have received, and from the most reliable
establishment, and we think them very reasonable.

Not knowing where you would desire the publishing
to be done, here or in Zion, we take pleasure in forward-
ing to you the afore figures, and will now wait your

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instructions. We would be most thankful to receive any
information from Brother Geo Q. Cannon, or others, in re-
lation to the number best to print? the best method to ad-
opt to obtain the required means? &c. We mention brother
Cannon, because he has had an experiance with a sim-
ular people and work, the printing and finding
will take about one year.

At our Conference in April, the following named
Elders will be honorably released to return home to the
bosom of the church and friends, having performed
good, long faithful missions, Viz.

Ezra F. Richards who has been here 3 1/2 years, the
last year he has labored on the translation of the Book
of Mormon, Francis H. Wright, Alfred W. Harper,
Elias Johnson and John L. Blyth, who will have
been here at the time of our conference three years, they
have all presided over Conferences, and have done
a good work, and will return home with honors, my
blessings and the blessings of the Elders and saints.

Please send the amoung for their return fares, ex-
cept Elder Blyths, as his fare has already been sent,
at your earliest convenience, on the Union Bank of
Australia at Napier, as that will be the nearest
to our conference, and the place from which the
Elders will leave.

We will also be pleased to have five or six Elders
sent to this Island at your convenience, Young men

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from 20 to 30 years of age are much preferable, as
they can acquire the language much more readly,
as also stand the climate & c the best, would like one
or two of them suitable for teaching school.

There are some few of our dusky friends that are
becoming quite anxious about gathering home to
Zion, About a year ago we wrote at some length
about the emigration of this peculiar people, giving
our opinion from what we had seen, about a suit-
able place being selected for them, their mode of
living &c &c. If you have any instructions upon
this, and other matters we would be thankful to
receive them by our confereance.

We have recently returned from a three mounths
trip to the north part of the Island, and are very thank-
ful to be able to state that the great majority of the
Saints, are endeavoring to live in accordance with the
principles of the Gospel, and they manifest quite a
love for the truth, as also for the servants of God, and
awe are able to see a marked improvement in their con-
dition, yet, there are those that become weary in the
service of the Lord, and return back to the beggarly
things of the world, adultry being the prevailing crime
among them, but, generally when they are caught in
the same, they will come forth and confess and seek
to be restored in fellowship, they are very peculiar
for this, so unlike the europeans.

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During our trip, four new branches and two new conferences were organized, there were also quite a
number added to the church by baptism, and since
my return, Elders Elias Johnson and George Romney Jr,
writes that they have added 42 others to the Church
and organized another branch thus we are able to
report the work of the Lord spreading among the branch
of the house of Israel, to our great rejoicing.

The health of the Elders is good, and with but few
exceptions are making excelent progress in obtaining
a knowledge of the Maori language, and those that
have the language are laboring with a great perseverence
among those not of our faith during the summer mo-
nths, and we trust their labors will be crowned
with abundant success.

Since last writing, we have received some copies
of the Epistle of the Apostles, which have been greatly
enjoyed by us, and we can say a hearty amen to
every sentiment and feel that such Epistles should
be a great blessing to all Saints. We wait with
great anxiety the arrival of each mail, feeling that im-
portant changes can take place in a month, in these
peculiar and interesting times, we are also quite in-
terested in Utah being admitted into Statehood, if
that is the will of our Heavenly Father, truly these
are most peculiar times, yet, at the same time we are led to rejoice at seeing so visable the hand of God

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made bare in the defence of His covenant people,
and in the overthrow of the powers of the earth, sur^e^ly
Uncle Sam should turn his attention from Utah and
her people, to the fearful internal workings of his own
people, who are preparing to lay waste every City,
town and hamlit and bring destruction and death
to his people, the saints can well afford to wait
the Lords time in all things.

We are deeply interested in your welfare, and that
of the Apostles, knowing the powers that are brought
to bear against you, and of the great responsibilityies
resting upon you, earnest prayers continually ascend
unto Our Father and God, for His power, wisdom
and guidance to be with you, and all the leaders
of Israel.

Elders Ezra F. Richards, Sondra Sanders Jr, F. H.
and Angus T. Wright as also sister Paxman
and Sister Marriott, who is writing the manuscript
ready for the printers, write with me in profound
love to you and the quorum of the Apostles.

Again stating that we will be most happy to hear
from you, and carry out any council you may be led
to give.

I remain your Brother and colaborer in the
great cause of Truth

Wm Paxman

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P. S. Jany 16th

Since writing the above we have just re-
ceived your very interesting and instructive letter of the
12th of Dec 1887. We were thankful to learn of your
improved health, as also the good health of the Apostles.
It is also most gratifying to know that the Lord
has so wonderfully preserved the leaders of Israel from
imprisonment, while such strenuous effort are being
made to capture them, surely we are led to praise
God all the day long.

It truly is a "day of shaking" and one that is
increasing the faith of the saints in the living God,
and preparing us for the day of seperation, draw-
ing the deviding line. What a consolation to know
that Our Heavnly Father, Joseph, Hyrum, Brigham
and John with all the holy Prophets and Apostles that
have lived upon the earth, is on our side, and will
advocate our cause, and bring about our deliverance
in the appointed time of the Lord.

We watch with great interest the movements
of the Receiver and of our enemies, through the
medium of the Deseret News, and feel that Zion
has much to be thankful for.

You will please find inclosed the statement
asked for. I find that to get the returns in time
for the returning Elders, it will be necessary to
answer this by the return of mail, which leaves

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San Francisco March 7th and for this once
please address to me at Hastings, Hawkes
, New Zealand.

Thanking you for your kind letters, and
ever prayer for your welfare and that of

I remain your Brother

Wm Paxman

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Wm Paxman,
10 Jan 1888

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Statement of Cash Received from the President of
the Church, for the return of Elders Ect from the
Australasian Mission up to December 31st 1887

1887 Dr 1887 Cor
Aug To Draft $600.00 Aug By Jas. A. Slater $150.00
Oct [To Draft] 340.00 [Aug] [By] B. W. Young Passage
Nov [To Draft] 125.00 Matalic Coffin Ect 190.00
[To] Amt to balance 40.25 [Aug] [By] aditional expenses in getting the corps on the Steamer 10.25
Sept [By] Geo. S. Taylor 150.00
Nov [By] Wm Gardner 150.00
[Nov] [By] John. L. Blyth 150.00
[Nov] [By] Andrew Corry extra for Saloon 105.00
[Nov] [By] David Haight 75.00
Dec [By] H. J. Sears 125.00
1105.25 1105.25

Jany 1 By Amt to balance $40.25

In my letter of Sept 24th I stated that there were
£9.00 or $45.00 balance that I would hold subject
to your order, since then I have let Elder Haight
have $75.00 and paid $10.25 aditional expenses on B. W.
Young corps, which leave a balance due of $40[.]25

Yours most Respectfully
Wm Paxman