Letter from Arthur Stayner, 26 October 1889 [LE-39583]

Document Transcript

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P.O. BOX 499.
Secretary's Department.

Salt Lake City, Utah,

Presidents Woodruff, Cannon & Smith

Dear Brethren:

The Committee appointed by the Sugar Company
have returned after having visited both West & East.

The digest of their report is briefly as follows:
The beetsugar Factory Alvarado Cal. cost $190,000 makes sugar 3 9/10 & per lb profit 25%
[The beetsugar Factory] Watsonville [Cal.] $475,000 [makes sugar] 4 1/8 [per lb profit] 19%
[The] Sorghum [sugar Factory] Fortscott Kansas $72,000 [makes sugar] 5 1/2 [per lb profit] nothing

We found the California Factories running on very rich
beets, the result of drouth being small crop but rich in sugar.
We found the Fort Scott Factory running on very poor cane
the result of a cold, wet, backward spring which caused replan[t]-
ing and immature cane. They are making a smaller
output this year than I used to make with my old milling
and open process, and only little more than one half
of what they got last year for the whole season's average.

Consequently as the beet manufacture is so much of a
success, and the results elicited at our late Fair are so
satisfactory with regard to the saccharine in our beets,
it is not worth while to argue for the Sorghume although
it can be plainly shown that the conditions, climate,
market, and protection by freight are so much more

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P.O. BOX 499.
Secretary's Department.

Salt Lake City, Utah, 18

favorable here than in Kansas, that a minus quantity
there would be made a strong plus quantity here. But
I am satisfied with the showing of the beet question, and
am assured by experts that our beets although they may
contain an excess of inimicable properties, they are of the same
kinds as are found in the beets of other countries and need
only a little severed treatment of the same nature as that
used in other countries.

Foreseeing them that the business will meet with
favor here, and already knowing that your sentiments
are anxious to indorse whatever is proved to be practicable
and reasonably assured of profitable success, I am very
anxious to have every measure adopted that will assist
in making the enterprise firmly founded. In this view
I, recognizing the value of Bro Howes' judgment and skill
in Machinery, asked him if he would be willing to accom-
pany me to Europe for the purpose of visting some of
the latest improved Factories & machinery with the view to
select that best suited to our conditions and to procure
working drawings there of and either procure the same
in whole or in part in Europe or place an order with
American Manufacturers; Bro Howe replied, as he

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P.O. BOX 499.
Secretary's Department.

Salt Lake City, Utah, 18

did about acting on the visiting Committee lately returned,
"Not anxious to leave my business but if the Brethren (meaning
the Presidency) wish me to go I will go." I do not want the
responsibility of selecting the kind of machinery therefore desire
Bro Howes' assistance. Although I wish to go down to Europe
and work a month or two in the Laboratory and ^in fact^ in the
whole Factory of one of their First class establishments
it is in order that I may be thoroughly competent to
have control, but I advocate the employment of thoroughly
experienced & skilled superintendency inside the Factory,
so as to place the contingency of success beyond a
reasonable doubt. I would make every provision for the
elements of prosperity at the first and future successes will
inevitably accrue.

If you, Brethren, upon whose influence so much of
this enterprise depends, feel like inviting Bro Howe to
do as above it will be a matter of great importance and
largely conducive to our prosperity. The Company will
no doubt besides his expenses pay him well for his time
and he can doubtless select some portions of the Machine-
ry that he can make at his works profitably to himself.

He and I could go together and as I understand

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P.O. BOX 499.
Secretary's Department.

Salt Lake City, Utah, 18

French I have no doubt of the value of the expedition in
both the ways suggested.

As your absence may be for some time yet, if
you would be so kind as to Telegraph your support
of the measure if the brethren find it feasible and prac-
ticable and that it would meet your minds for Bro Howe
to go if he could consistently, the business would receive
a great impetus and we could have the advantage
of all the time there is in which to see the Factories
at work in Europe

With respectful regards
Your brother in the Gospel
Arthur Stayner

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Oct 26 [18]89
Arthur Stayner
on Sugar Report.