Letter from Otto Johnson, 31 July 1894 [LE-14749]

Document Transcript

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Grantsville, Utah. .
President W. Woodruff,

Dear Brother,

Brother Otto
, a member of
our quorum, who was called
to go on a mission in
January 1893, but was
excused on account of the
death of his wife, who left
him with two small children
and no one to take care of
them. He says that he is
now ready or can be by
the 15th of Sept. next.

If you wish him to go this
fall Please let him know
as early as possible as he
Lehas to arrange his affairs

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Otto Johnson
July 31 [18]94

before going an early reply
will greatly oblige,

Otto Johnson

J. R. Clark.

P.S. Hee is a native of
Sweeden, but speaks the
english language fairly well,

J. R. C.

All right. Call him at
once, for this fall. I wonder
if he would do for N. S.
Mission? Bro. Stout wanted
a Scandivavian speaker
for Iowa, &c.

J. F. S.