Letter to the Saints in the British Isles, 20 January 1846 [LE-39304]

Document Transcript

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To the Saints in the British Isles greeting
Beloved BFriends

I deem it my Duty
to address a few lines to you through the medium
of the Star Before I take my Departure from
England to returns to America. The shortness of
time & croud of Business forces me to be brief
in my communication. You have already
been informed that the persecutions & banishment
of the Saints west of the Rocky mountains &
a desire to deliver my own family & friends is the
sole cause of my sudden Departure from
your midst, & I now once more appeal unto
you that you let your prayers assend asscend
up before God Day & night in behalf of your
afflicted Brothren in Zion that the Lord may Delievver
them from that persecution &and oppression that
they have long groaned under. Though the edict
of Banishment is past & they are about to make
a sacrafice of there Homes, Lands Homes & the pars

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goods & endure the fatigues of a journey of some
two thousands miles still these pesecuters are
not satisfyed with this but are striving to
stir up every wicked & ungodly character in their
power to palm off all their Black deeds of
infamy & and crime upon the Saints in order
that all the world far & near may varily
think they are doing Gods service while persecuting
the saints. But the day will come when all
men will get there reward for the Deeds done in
the Body. I hope & trust that the Saints through-
out this land will not be weary in welldoing
but sustain the general cause of Zion & each
other by prayer, Love, charity, faith & all good works
My stay in your midst on this mission has
ben limited to one year But I rejoice much at
the progress, prosperity & prospects of the cause during
this peroiod. It has been a year of much interest
to the church in Britain And my prayer to God
as well as in America And I trust that interest
may continue untill the House of Israel are gathered
out together in a manner that their strength & labours
can be condenced ^consentrated^ as the heart of one man

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in building up & beautifying the land of Zion
untill ^her deserts Blossom as the rose^ ^and^ her cities temples & towers point towards
heaven as a token of the fulfillment of the promises of God
unto Israel in the Last dispensation & fulness of
. It has been Highly gratifying to me from
the beginning to observe the growing unions of the
Saints thoughout the British Isles & their willingness
to abide by ^the^ council of the presidency of the Church
and sustain every man in his office & calling. it is
upon this principle & the principle of unions that Zion
& Jerrusalem will be built up & be prepared
for the coming of the Messiah you have also
nobley responded to the call to assist in rearing unto
the name of the Lord a Temple as the request will show
Also have liberl liberally attendesd to other appeals
that have been made unto you for which you will
not loose your reward.

Elder Reuben Hedlock is again appointed to the respected
station of president over the churches in the British
Isles I have every confidence to believe that you
will uphold & sustain him in his office. He has had
much experience in the Church of Christ & will act for
the general good of the cause you will be Blessed in
following his council And upholding him by your faith prayers & good works

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[sideways text]
Address to the British
Saints Jan 20th 1846
[end of sideways text]

Elders Thomas Ward & John Barts are appointed as councellors
to Elder Hedlock, they are men whose The fruits of
there talents & labours you have already partaken off
for years that are gone by you know them & will
sustain them in ther in their office. Their own
works & labours recommend themselves.

I would Advise that the Saints sustain the Star
& give it as wide a circulations as possible for
it is th[r]ough this medium that you obtain complete
informatation Also use your influence to continue
to circulate all our publications as wrote extensively
for they contain truth & truth is mighty & will prevail
Let not the Saints be discouraged because of the
Tribulations & Sacrifizes they are called to pass through
For though the tongue of slander the press & wicked men
send forth as us upon the wings of the wind a flood of
lies ^falshood^ & Bitterness against the Saints yet they will triumph
at last, & God with Eternal truth will gain a victory
over the Devil with his flood of lies & the Earth will
be redeemed from her fall & Mount Zion will yet
enjoy all those Blessings which have been promised
her through the mouth of all the Holy prophets
who have spoken since the world began

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Before closing this I would advise the Saints to continue
to keep in view the gathering. I have No doubt
but that there will be doors open for the gathering
of the Saints from this land to meet with there
priests who will settle in Calafornia & by uniting
together in wisdom & going by council much may be
done in the continuation of the Emigration

Before closing this address I feel disposed for the
Benefit of the Saints & gratification of the Saints
to lay before you a correct account of the reciepts
for the Temple Donations to myself in complyance
with the appeal made at the Last conference
Also the situation of the printing ^in which I leave the printing^ department in Liverpool

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The following Donations I have recd since the
Conference held Decr 14, 1845

^4th^ Bradford Conference 5.0.0 per Bro Elder Chas Miller president
^56th^ London ^Also £l.14 Total £3.14^ [Conference] 2.0.0 per E H Davis [president]
^7th^ Leceister [Conference] 1.0.0. per Thos Margetts [president]
^8th^ Newton Branch 1.12.0. Wm [Locate] [president]
^9th^ Sunderland [Branch] 4.0
^10th^ Clitheroe Conference 3.13.1 Wm Speakman [president]
^11th^ St Hellery Branch 5.6
^12^ Bristol [Branch] 13.0
^13^ Chalford Still [Branch] 8.0 E H Webb [president]
^14th^ Cheltenham [Branch] 12.10 John Johnson [president]
^145^ Bath [Branch] 1.3.0
^16^ Trowbridge [Branch] 12.0 John Halleday [president]
^17^ Ashton [Branch] 7.0
^18^ Newcastle [Branch] 14.8 J Bainbridge
^19^ Edenburgh Conference 2.0.0 G P Waugh
^5th^ Preston Branch 5.0.0 J Hallsall
^120th^ Sheffield Conference 1.12.0 J Ure [president]
^3rd^ Glasgow [Conference] 11.13.0 Peter McCue [president]
38. 6. 1
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Amount forwd. 38.6.1
21 Carlisle Branch 12.0 Thomas Bell presedent
22 Worcestershire Conference 1.0.0 Thomas Smith [president]
2nd Manchester Conference 34.14.4 ^25.14.4 9th of which was paid to Hiram Clarke^ pr Saml Downs for Bro Ross presedent
3rd Birmingham Conference ^£2.6.6 to Hiram Clarke^ 3.12.10 Rob Crook [president]
23 Bedford Branch 1.0.0 R Martin [president]
24 Old Swinford [Branch] 5.0 Wm Westwood [president]
Illegible Liverpool Branch 10.18.10 1/2 pr Thos [Webster] [president]

independant of J A Stratton 2.5.0
G Slater 3.0.1 1/2
E F Sheets 2.0.0
7.5.1 1/2
£81.9.1 1/2
From Sundry persons 89.13.0
£901.2.1 1/2
from Lending persons 2.15 1.9.8 for poor ^11.6 glasgow^
Total 93.17.1 1/2 £2.1.2 ^Saints^
from Lending persons to amount 2.1.2
the Saints in their conferences 95.18.3 1/2
^9.13 + 2.15 = £112.68^ W Woodruff £95.15.1 1/2
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