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Day in the Life

Sep 29, 1865

Journal Entry

September 29, 1865 ~ Friday

29. We drove to Provo took Breakfast, drove to Lehi took dinner, then drove
to G. LS. L. City & spent the night at home. Brother Robinson had a fine span ^54 m[iles]^
of large Mares which had carried us to dixey & back & had fed them
Every meal himself untill he got to Lehi there another Man fed them
gave them half a Bushels of Oats considerable wheat in it one of
the Mares was sick before we got home, we took the Harness off &
doctered her till past mid night but she died before Morning

We gave her cayanne, Hen dung, salt & water, she died with the bloat
A Brother Smith said if we had bled her in the mouth & given
her a table spoone full of powdered Indigo with salt on the top of
it pulled out her tongue & layed it onto the roots of it that it would
removed the wind in her