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Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1867

Journal Entry

March 01, 1867 ~ Friday

[FIGURES] March 1st 1867

This is my birth day I was born the 1 day of March
1807, which make me 60 years of age at 10 oclok A.M.
This certainly would class me among the old folks at home
yet I do not particularly fell old. for I can now do
more hard work in a day than almost any man I can hire
I met at the Prayer room at 2 oclok to day and I officia-
ted in Giving Maj. Lot Smith & 4 wives their second
Anointing we read History a part of the day


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Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
352 mentions


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Mar 1, 1867