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Day in the Life

Jun 7, 1879

Journal Entry

June 07, 1879 ~ Saturday

7 I took my carriage and rode out abot 10 miles to the
Pine knob with Brother Wakefield we saw 25 Deer and
Antilope Wakefield shot 7 times & I one at Deer & Antilope and
got and Brother Wakefield left me at 4 oclok 10 miles from camp


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
7. Saturday I took my carriage & went out Hunting with Brother Wakefield to hunt we drove to the cottonwood grove south of the valley we rode around the peak Brother Wakefield
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
saw a dozen Deer I saw none we then drove East le[f]t the carriage we saw 3 deer I shot at one we rode around the Hills I saw 3 More Broth Wakefield shot again But got none we took our carriage & drove North I set in the waggon & shot 120 yards at an Antilope & shot at him 2 afterwards did not get him Br Wakefileld shot seven times at Antilope & Deer & got Nothing at 4 oclok we were in a strip of timber south [FIGURE] of pine Hill 6 mile from the dairy settlement Br Wakefield left me & went after Antilope and I waited for him 2 Hours untill 6 ooclk & there I was with a carriage 6 Miles from camp in a terrib[l]e rocky country. I left with my carriage & drove a Mile & got my carriage in the rocks & did not know which way to go I unharnessed my Horses & put a saddle on one & led the other & rode west to the valley & it was dark when I entered the valley & I rode 3 Miles across a swail Bottom and arived at the settlement at 8 oc[l]ok vary weary Wakefield came at 12 cl 25 M[iles]

Jun 7, 1879