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Day in the Life

Aug 14, 1879

Journal Entry

August 14, 1879 ~ Thursday

14 I went up the creek with Br Jacob Hamblin and
Christophersen I cought 10 trout that would avarage
about 1/2 a lb each. It was the first water in Arizonia
that I had seen that contained trout I was weary
at night I called upon Br Bigelow I returned to Br
Christophersen and held a Meeting Br Perkins spoke
40 M[inutes], W Woodruff one hour {in the power of God} I had a large congregation


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4 mentions
Hamblin, Jacob
2 Apr 1819 - 30 Aug 1886
45 mentions
23 mentions
49 mentions


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
14. I went up the creek with Br Hamblin & Christofferson I caught 10 trout that would Everage about 1/2 lb each it was the first water in Arizonia that I had seen that contained trout. I was weary at night I called upon Br Bigalow I returned to Br Christoffersons & held a Meeting Br Perkins spoke 40 M[inutes] W W 40 one hour {in the power of God} I had a large congre- gation

Aug 14, 1879