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Day in the Life

Aug 19, 1879

Journal Entry

August 19, 1879 ~ Tuesday

19. We drove 6 M[iles] and took breakfast we then drove
[FIGURES] To the Zunie village This village of the Zunie
Indians contains about 3000 souls they were quite
in advance of any other Indians I had seen in their Build-
ings & intelligence Br Tenney had Been there before and
had Baptized 115 of them But there had Been a hard
struggle Between them and the Catholicks. The village was
built on a rise of ground, the buildings were 3 stories high
a part of the Building were Entered by small doors at the


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Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
239 mentions


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
19. We drove 6 Miles & took breakfast [FIGURES] we then Drove to the Zunie village A village of the Zunie Indians containing about 3000 souls. They were quite in the advance of any other Indians I had seen in there buildings & intelligence Br Tenney had been there before and had Baptized sumthing like 115 persons but there had been a hard struggle between them & the Catholoicks^s^ and they had a hard struggle the village was built on a rise of ground the Buildings were 3 stories High a part of the Buildings was Entered at small doors at the Bottom, & others went to the roof on Ladders & Entered the room from the roof on Ladders. We went through the Ancient Cathedral Catholic Church it looked as though it was 500 years old
Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
It had 2 Bells Hung in the Tower and over the pulpit it had some of the finest carved work in wood I Ever saw of Christ Apostles & Angels. We went th[rou]gh the Town and for the first time in my Life I had a view of a specemin of the white Indians the Albinos, which was a woman her Hair and face & limbs were nearly as white as milk much whiter than any American they had some 2000 Acres of corn that looked well without Irrigation. we did not stop long in this place but drove on 5 M[iles] and camped for the night 45 M

Aug 19, 1879