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Day in the Life

Nov 23, 1879

Journal Entry

November 23, 1879 ~ Sunday

22 We took breakfast harnessed up and travelled over a vary
rocky and rough country 6 miles then parted with the ox teams
and Br Burk went 3 miles across the country without a road
to Kinekenick Springs which was the sunset sheep heard
ground but the house was not on the road, to day I saw some
300 Antilope two flock had 100 in Each and small flocks
from 10 to 30. I saw more Antilope to day than any day
before in my life, they had Been driven out of the mountains
by a snow storm into the cedars, they were in flock like
a flock of sheep. On our arival we clensed out the
house put up a bedstead, made up our bed unloaded our
waggon. By this time a Messenger arived from Sunset and
brought me 6 Letters from Elias Smith, J. Jaques A M Cannon
Julia S Woodruff John P Sorrenson and Ammon M
which was a vary important one. He had made a
bargin with Mr Barth the Jew, to buy out St John water
and Land for 750 cows to be paid for in one year ie
He had the offer of the place for that sum and was awaiting
my reply to know if he should buy it I was vary weary
thought I would stop untill Tuesday morning and go
to sunset and write Br Tenney an Answer I went to bed

^23^ arose early and prepared myself and left the place in company
with Br McNeal and travelled about 40 miles half of the way
over a vary stoney road to sunset arived at 7 oclok in the Evening
vary weary having ridden a part of the way on horsback I conversed
with Br Lot Smith upon the subject and He agreed with
me about writing to Ammon M Tenney in closing the bargin
in buying St John & to Possess the Meadow 40 Miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Tenney, Ammon Meshach
16 Nov 1844 - 28 Oct 1925
239 mentions
Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
185 mentions
Smith, Elias
6 Sep 1804 - 24 Jun 1888
182 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
439 mentions
21 mentions
Woodruff, Julia Spencer
6 May 1856 - 1 Feb 1895
36 mentions
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
352 mentions
Barth, Morris
4 mentions

Related Documents

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Daybook (October 24 1879 - January 31 1881)
^Nov 23 1879^ and left the place in company with Br McNeal and travelled about 40 Miles half of the way over a vary stony road to sunset arived at 7 oclk in the evening vary weary having ridden a part of the way on horsback I conversed with Brother Lot Smith upon the subject and He agreed with me about writing to Brother Tenney in closing the Bargin to Byuy St John and Joseph the Meadow


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.

Nov 23, 1879