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Day in the Life

Oct 27, 1882

Journal Entry

October 27, 1882 ~ Friday

27 [FIGURE] I received a letter from James G Bleak asking for
a Bill of Materials for St George Temple Tower I wrote
[FIGURE] Letters to David K. Udall & John Morgan


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97 mentions
Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
449 mentions
35 mentions


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Letter to John Morgan, 27 October 1882
Salt Lake City, . Elder John Morgan. Dear Brother—Your letter of Oct. 17 is received, and has been read by the Presidency. Quite a number were called at Conference for the southern mission. I think about 30 in all, which I hope will be a help there. I will say con- cerning Elder B. H. Roberts, whom you named, that he had already been called to fill another place. I should judge the way for you to do would be to take the most available man you have already in the mission to leave to preside for the time being. We had a very good conference. I think the teaching and testimony were by inspiration
Letter to David King Udall, 27 October 1882
Salt Lake City, . Elder David K. Udall. Dear Brother—Your letter and ac- counts of Sept. 12 have been in my hands quite a length of time and also in the President's office. I have been waiting, thinking I might get some counsel upon the subject from the Presidency, but have not up to the present time. So I feel it my duty to answer your letter as well as I can. In the first place I will say that I realize that you need help and numbers. It has seemed a hard matter to get men of means to go to St. John and settle. They have seemed to want to go anywhere else to settle but there, and when they get there they want to go somewhere else. I do not consider this right. I think our people can do as well in St. John as anywhere else in Arizona. I want to say in reference to Brother B. F. Johnson, who has gone to Salt River,

Oct 27, 1882