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Day in the Life

Jun 20, 1891

Journal Entry

June 20, 1891 ~ Saturday

20 I went to the Gardo & signed 10 Recommends I
Received 10 Letters I spent the forenoon in the Gardo
Afternoon I prepared for a Journey to Calafornia
at 6 oclock I took cars with G Q Cannon & Emma
& rode to Ogden & spent the night with John Q Cannon 40 M[iles]


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
874 mentions
1966 mentions
27 mentions


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Letter from Thomas Woolsey, 20 June 1891

Manti City. . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Some six or eight years ago, at Kanarrah, you kindly proffered me a home and support in Salt Lake City, I did not then accept, not desiring to be a burden to the Church or my friends, but I find my sight failing me and my children unable to render me needed assistance, I therefore feel under obligation to accept any kindness at your hands, that you will be pleased to give me. I am without a home and would like one near the Manti Temple so that I can do the work for my dead. Dear Brother I have wrote this to you that you may assist me to a home at Manti, if it meets with your wishes, please write to me and let me know. With very kind regards Your Brother Thomas Woolsey

Letter from George Langlois, 20 June 1891

Huntsville President Wilford Woodruff Dear b^r^other your letter dated. Salt Lake, City June 12th is at hand and read and as my name hass been suiesggested and accepted as a missionary to Great Britain i accepte that mission only the last date mentoioned in your letter being the 5th of September will be the most convenient for my departure it seems imposible to settle my buisniss before that date your Brother in the Gospel of Christ George Langlois O.K. J F. S. David McKay Bishop

Letter from John Wyatt, 20 June 1891

Wellsville City, Pres Willford Woodruff Dear Bro as I have beene selected and caled to go to Great Britton on a mission I will respond to the Call but I cannot get ready verry well before Saturday, September 5th but if all is well I will be on hand then youre Bro In the Gospel of Peace John Wyatt P S. I was a talking with Bro Joseph Salsbury My kneibor yesturday and his leg is mending fine and he would be pleased to have his Mission chainged to Great Briton as lots of his People are there

Letter from Samuel L. Page, 20 June 1891

Payson, Utah Wilford Woodruff Esq. Dear Bro. In reply to yours of 2nd instant which I enclose, will say Owing to financial embarrasment, under which I am laboring at present, I should like one year in which to prepare to fill this mission. Will be ready at that time Your, Bro. etc Samuel L Page Joseph S Tanner Allow the year he asks. Put him on the deferred list. J F. S.

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 20 June 1891

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, and Counsellors Salt Lake City, Utah: Dear Brethren,- As the official gatherings of the Royal Microscopical Society for the current season are now of the past, I deem it my duty to make to you a brief report of the proceedings; inasmuch as I have come to England under your counsel, and with your material aid for the purpose, chiefly, of attending the meet- ings referred to. Very soon after my arrival in London, I met several of the officers of the Society, and received from them a most cordial welcome. The principal session of the organiza- tion was held June 17. I had full expectation of being present at the meeting as a silent and an unobserved


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

Jun 20, 1891