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Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1891

Journal Entry

June 27, 1891 ~ Saturday

27. We arived at Ogden at 8 oclok took breakfast
at Ogden then took cars and arived at Salt Lak
about 9 oclok, took my carriage & went home
On my arival home I found Owen was
vary sick But was getting better


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
555 mentions
1835 Southern Convert


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Letter from Frank Filber, 27 June 1891
Salt Lake City, Wilford Woodruff Esq. Pres't C. J. C. L. D. S. City. Dear Sir. A relation of mine requested me to ask you as the President of your Church if you in your communications with mem- bers & officials of your Organization would be in need of a Cipher System. The party in question has a system on which he & others have been at work for about thirty years & it has been pronounced as the most successful ever gotten up. The system has been offer to the U. S. Government, but the Government being supplied with one could not make use of it, it has however been said by Government officials that it is shortest & most time saving they had seen. Of course, this offer I should like to have you keep in the strictest secrecy, as I am not a member of your church & would not care to have anything known about this matter. I should be exceedingly
Letter from R. J. Cuttel Jr., 27 June 1891
Glendale Prest. Wilford Woodruff. S. L. City Dear Brother I received your notice of June the 2nd to take a mission to the northren States. I am pleased to be considered worthy of this call, but at the same time I feele my inability to successfully perform such a labor. Never the less I will accept ^the^ call. Owing to my having filed on a piece of land, which I cannot prove up on before the first of November I will


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

Jun 27, 1891