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Day in the Life

Jun 29, 1891

Journal Entry

June 29, 1891 ~ Monday

29. I went to the Gardo and signed 12 recommends
I received 8 Letters I spent nearly the whole
day in Meeting with the Twelve & others


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Letter from Henry Weeks Sanderson, 29 June 1891
Prest Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro Some time this Spring we sent you a list of names for missionaries (from 26th Quorum of Seventies) among which was John A Walker we had known that he had been subject to Epileptic spells but had thought that he had recovered his health but since his name was forwarded the sick- ness has come back upon him severier than ever and in consulting with authorties, it was thought advisable to state the facts to you, presumeing that you would not think proper to make a call upon him under the circumstances, remaining your Bro in the Gospel; H. W. Sanderson Sr Sr Prest 26th Quorum Seventies Let him be released. J. F. S.


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People's Party is disbanded; Church members advised to join Democrat/Republican parties.

Jun 29, 1891