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Day in the Life

Aug 1, 1892

Journal Entry

August 01, 1892 ~ Monday

Aug 1. I spent the day in the Office I met in the Morning
with the board of the Salt Lake & Literary Association
I also had an interview with Lorenzo Snow abot
Attended conference at Coleville


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Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
655 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from Frederik Christian Olsen, 1 August 1892

Whitney, Idaho. Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of the 22nd received, would say, will be ready to start as per call Yours truly Fred. C. Olsen. P. S. I was born in Kobenhagin Denmark. James Chadwick Bp O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel Francom, 1 August 1892

Payson City President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother in may I recived a notice that I had been accepted as a Missionary to the Southern Sates I had no excuse to make and accepted the call but since then I have learned by letter that my brother from grate Britton is coming on a visit to Utah next June 1893 I have not seen him for 28 years I would lifke very much to see visy with him if I can be release from my call for the time being please answer that I may

Letter from Lorenz Fuellenbach, 1 August 1892

Eureka, . To the First Presidency Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren! As I received your unexpected letter a few days ago, I will now answer to the same. Wm Paxman President of the Juab Stake and Br. John Beck President of the Eureka branch would very much like me to stay to present. The reason is because I have a very importend possion [position] right here. As I am counslor to the President of the branch and shift-boss in the Beck's Mine, and being the cause of getting work for the english and german

Letter from Martin Hansen, 1 August 1892

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your Notification On the 29th of July concirning a mission to Scandinavia You wished me to state my feelings. I do so with plasure I am willing to fill the mission to the best of my abilaty. I never yet have tryed to shirk enny Call or Duty placeed upon me by those having authority to do so, nor would I dare to do so now but I am sory to say that my sircomestances in Life has bin so that I have not bin able to make anny preperations for a missions. I have never bin Blessed with enny thing more than Just nesasary wants

Aug 1, 1892