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Day in the Life

Aug 3, 1892

Journal Entry

August 03, 1892 ~ Wednesday

Aug 3, 1892
I spent the day in the Office I had an interview
with Mr Yeager about the right of way acros my lot
I met with the Board of Zions Savings Bank & trust
Company. We Met with Arthur Stainer who wanted
to Engage in mineing


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138 mentions
Yeager, Hiram
8 mentions


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Letter from John C. Kimball, 3 August 1892
Hartford, Conn. . The bearer of this note is Mr. Willie E. St John, a young friend of mine who is a- bout to visit Salt Lake for a few days, and would like to form his own un- prejudiced opinion of the city. If with- out too much trouble you can put him on the track of seeing best its conspicu- uos features; it will make you, I doubt not, one more friend, and oblige afresh your old one of twenty years ago, the time when I received a similar favor. Yours sincerely (Rev.) John C. Kimball
Letter from Evan Stephens, 3 August 1892
Salt Lake City President Woodruffe & Councilors Dear Brethren. Knowing how busy you are constantly kept I dislike to trouble you again with my presence on account of musical matters. But there are some important matters that I must attend to in the interest of the choirs, Adult and Juvenile of our tabernacle. And thingking a letter would not impose so much on your time, and could be attended to when there was a lull in other more important business (if indeed there ever is a "lull.") so I take the liberty to write, and a brief reply when convenient will be sufficient to guide me in what may be proper for me to do. As you are aware I have to look after the financial condition, of both the Large choir and the Juvenile choir of 1000 voices. Our past concerts have been sufficiently

Aug 3, 1892