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Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1892

Journal Entry

September 07, 1892 ~ Wednesday

Sept 7, 1892
I spent the day in the office & met with many persons


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Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896
7 Emma was sick through the night with the [Diarrhes] 7. we took breakfast at 6 Island is 22 Miles Long from 1/2 to 8 miles wide entirely Mountainous barely
Daybook 13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896
room to set a House we took steamer & rode to Loss Angels 40 Miles we stop & took Dinner at our Former Hotel We then parted with o[u]r Mormon Friends & we took cars for Home we rode through the Day & Night I had a very bad night I suffered much through the Night I did not sleep at all & got up & Dressed & slept a short time Sept 7. we rode to trucy had to wait for a team of cars to come in for us to take we went on for [Slaclor] where there was a farm


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Sep 7, 1892