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Day in the Life

Sep 20, 1895

Journal Entry

September 20, 1895 ~ Friday

20 I met with Andrew Kimball & 3 missionaries from the Indian
Mission. I also Met with J Kier Hardy Member of Parliment
& Frank Smith A secretary of Labor Party wanted to Lecture
we gave him the use of the Assembly Hall


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Kimball, Andrew
6 Sep 1858 - 31 Aug 1924
149 mentions
1 mention


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Letter from Charles Jefferson Black, 20 September 1895
Wilford Idaho President Wilford Woodriff & Councle P. O. Box B Salt Lake City. Dear Brethern. I have a very disagreabl request to make of you and am very sorry that it has hapened at so incunvient ^a^ time. I have been called on a mission to the Southern States and was to have left Salt Lake City on the 12th of October. But it seams that sircumstances have decreed otherwise soon after recieving my notification last Spring. I Went and took a hay contract in order to make some money to liberate me from some obligations I was oblieged to meet before leaving
Letter from Aaron Call, 20 September 1893
Bountiful President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother, I received your kind invitation, this morning, to perform a mission in the Southern States. With Gods help I will be ready to start,as you direct, on Dec. 7 1895. Your Brother In the Gospel Aaron Call Henry Bampton Counselor Good. J. F. S.
Letter from Louis Christian Olsen, 20 September 1895
Manti, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro: Yours of the 13th inst, calling me on a mission to the Southern States is received and duly considered. God willing, I will be in Salt Lake City on Dec. 7th 1895 to fill said mission as required Your Brother in the Gospel Louis C. Olsen I with pleasure endorse the above William T. Pierce Bishop Martin North Ward. Very good. J. F. S.

Sep 20, 1895