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Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1896

Journal Entry

January 29, 1896 ~ Wednesday

29 ^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Owen to his Mother & wrote
one to Judge Estee


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
439 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
874 mentions
17 mentions

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Letter from George Frederick Taylor, 29 June 1896
Parowan, Utah President Woodruff Dear Brother I received your call to be in Salt Lake City on the 8th of October 1896, to go on a Mission to the Southern States Witch I gladly exaccept and will try and be thire on the appointed time From your Brother in the Gospel. Geo. F. Taylor
Letter from William Henry Summerhays, 29 January 1896
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Box B. City Dear Brother: I received your notifica- tion, dated Jan. 28th, that I have been selected to go on a mission to the Southern States to preach the Gospel. I am but 18 years of age and have had no ex- perience in preaching, but I de- sire to do what is right and obey every call that is made of me, by the Priesthood. I accept this mission and will do my best to faithfully perform the duties required of me. Your brother in the Gospel Wm. H. Summerhays.
Letter from John Waldemar Beck, 29 January 1896
To the First Presidency of the C. J. K of L.D.S., Dear Brethren: Another month has passed since we ^last^ wrote to you and we are pleased to be able to report all well at present - the Elders are all in good health and spirits. We are also pleased to say that we have now compleated the manuscript hymn book that we mentioned getting but we have 205 songs which we consider enough to go to press with for the first edition. We are greatly in need of a hymn book, the saints here have often asked us why we dont get one out for it seems very humiliating to be obliged to use the hymn of other denomination, many of of which are contrary to our Faith. So now we have collected the present volume and send it off on this mail, and would ask you if you approve of it, and if so, kindly have it printed for us as soon as possible. if this work could be done in a month or five weeks so that the Elders coming in April could bring it we would feel indeed greatful, for we anticipate having a conference of all the Saints and Elders and if we could be fortunate enough to get our hymn book by then it would be hailed with delight - both by Saints and Elders. There are several returned Samoa missionaries in Salt Lake and they can give you all the information desired, also correct proofs and assist the printers, which would hasten the work and also insure a correct edition. I would especially recomend Bro E. J. Woods and Bro T. H. Hilton, to lend a help or I have reason to believe that they would be more than willing and they are quite competent.


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Jan 29, 1896