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Day in the Life

Nov 8, 1896

Journal Entry

November 08, 1896 ~ Sunday

8. Sunday A Morris Daniel J Lang spoke first in
the Tabernacle followed By President G Q Cannon they
had a good Meeting I spent the day at home


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Letter from Samuel George Spencer, 8 November 1896
Kansas City, Mo . President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City Utah. My Dear Brethren: When I say that I was surprised when I read your letter of November 3, in which you notify me of the appointment of Elder Louis A. Kelsch to the Presidency, and of my own release; I do not state my whole feelings. I was no more expect- ing a release than I am to receive a call to depart this life - it has come just as unexpectedly. I hope and pray that my letter to you was not misunderstood? Much more do I hope that I have not made a mistake, which has prompted my early release! I would no more think of asking for a release than I would ask the Lord to shorten and take my life. One year ago last August I was taken sick with Typhoid-Malaria, some of my friends


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 8, 1896