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Day in the Life

Nov 12, 1896

Journal Entry

November 12, 1896 ~ Thursday

12 I spent a part of the day in the Temple in council with
the Apostles. Moses Thatchers case was brought up
it does not now look as though He would Ever
be united with his quorum the Twelve Apostles


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Letter from Edwin Centennius Penrose, 12 November 1896

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Replying to your esteemed favor of 10th inst, informing me that I am called on a Mission to the Southern States. I have to say that I will endeavor to be ready by the time appointed, viz December 10th, and that I appreciate the honor done me in this appointment, Wwhich, though young and inexperenced, I will try with the blessings of God, to fill to the best of my ability. Respectfully Your Brother, &c Edwin C. Penrose. Good. J.F.S.

Letter from Francis Samuel Humphries, 12 November 1896

Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City My dear Brother I am in recept of your favor to fill a mission to Great Britain & the time &for startarting 21st of this month. There was a misundirstanding by the bretheren as to the time I would be ready ^to^ leavee I expresed a disire to them that I would like to go soon after ^the^ coming Hallidays I have made contracts to finish some work & it would ^be^ almost imposable to get ready at the time stated Have the kindness to extend the date I will be ready to leave as soon after the 1st of January

Letter from Henry Solomon Woodland, 12 November 1896

Oneida Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I will except the mission assigned me. Will you pleas answer the followng questions What day do you want me in Saltlake City to be set-apart and what rode will I travail to ye Vancoover Henry. S. Woodland Lehi Wright Bishop All right. Please answer his questions. J. F. S.

Letter from John Lewis Parcell, 12 November 1896

Wallsburg Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received Your letter of the 10 and in answer to the same will say if nothing prevents me from going I will be on hand at the time stated December 19th 96 Respect J. L. Parcell F A Fraughton Bp All right.

Letter from Richard Nephi Hill, 12 November 1896

Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. It has been some time seince your last favor reached me and no doubt you are awaiting my acknowledgement of same, but as circumstances have made my future actions uncertain re- garding mission un- certain I have post- poned until some-thing definite could be as-

Letter from Charles B. Fischer, 12 November 1896

Dresden, . Messrd the Presidency of the Church of L.D.S. Salt. Lake City Utah. Dear Sirs, I bet to ask your pardon for not having answered you any sooner to your kind attention of Sept 2nd. Please accept my thanks for this and the various books sent. I have been perusing the latter with great interest and shall be always obliged for further information regarding your social institution. Kindly excuse if I trouble you again with some questions on this regard. I find in your books that there is every possibility with you for farming cooperative farming on the large scale, which would be the only paying one, at least in our parts. Your people it appears is trained for such work and the necessity of irrigation almost forces them, I should think, to engage in such a pursuit. I fully understand the difficulty to convince the anticollective farmer "but it almost" strikes me that certainly you have off and on considered the question. Other religious communities, I only mention the shakers, the Bishop Hill community and various others have done such farming in America and in the 16th and first half of the 17th century we had the Moravian Baptists successfully engaged therein. The question of cooperative farming


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 12, 1896