Letter from Andrew Jenson, 23 September 1889 [LE-32675]

Document Transcript

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The Historical Record
Devoted to Historial, Bio-
graphical, Chronological
and Statistical
Subscription Price, - 1.25
Per Annum, in Advance.

Andrew Jenson,

OFFICE.—No. 154 N. Second West Street.

Salt Lake City, Utah,

President Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon
and Joseph F. Smith.

Dear Brethren! Having now finished the
four volumes of the "Historical Record" in which I promised
the public to publish a certain kind ^class^ of historical infor-
mation pertaining to the history of the Church, I feel
it to be my privilege, and perhaps my duty, to consult
with you, before proceeding to lay other plans for the future.

Ever since I commenced my historical labors, about
13 years ago, I have been under the impression that my
work ought to be performed under the immediate supervision
of the Church Authorities, and that anything I published per-
taining to Church history should by them be subjected to the
strictest criticism before being printed. Such was ^indeed^ the case as
long as I published in the Danish language, Elder Erastus
being appointed by the late Pres. Brigham Young, and
subsequently by the late Pres. John Taylor, to supervise my
labors. But since commencing the "Record," four years
ago, I have published on my own responsibility, no one
having been appointed to supervise my work. This, I may
say, has often grieved me, and although I have at times

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taken the liberty to consult with Bro. Franklin D. Richards
and others of the Twelve, I have by no means done this
as often as I have felt a want to, as I did not wish
to intrude upon their time ^as long as I was engaged in a private enterprise.^ I am, however, now able
to place my ^last four years'^ work before you in a form that you in a
few minutes cemay be able to judge somewhat of its
merits, and ^also^ understand the nature of ^my^ ability as a
compiler of historical data and facts.

Having done so much I am now in ^such^ a position that
^I can^ continue or discontinue my publication, according to your
council; but I am under the impression now more than
ever before, that my works ought to be published by
authority, or not be published at all. And in order to
make myself plain I hereby ask leave to state that
I am willing to devote my entire future life in the
interest of Church history, and I offer you my services,
from the 1st of January next, with or without any
compensation of a material nature, just as you desire;
and shall be willing to work at the Historian's Office
or travel through the country gathering historical
information, according to your best judgment. And I will

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also leave with you to decide as to what had best be
done with the "Historical Record," hereby offering its
title, list of subscribers, and the good will of the Saints
which it may have gained, as a free will donation to
the Church; and, if you accept of it, you may do with
it what you please. If it is continued by authority it has,
I think, not a bad foundation to stand on; and if stopped,
I trust its mission hitherto have resulted in good, and
that sometime in the future it, or something similar,
may again see the light of day.

During the last 18 months I have received from the
Church $5000 per month (from the Tithing Office), it being
an allowance made in order to enable me ^to^ sustain my
family while gathering historical information concerning
the several Stakes of Zion etc. Not having access to the docu-
mentary history of the Church, I have deemed it unwise
to publish the information thus far gained; and I propose
to deliver the manuscripts to the Church historian, together
with a complete index to the history of Joseph Smith as
published in the "Millennial Star." tThis alone has cost me
month's of labor; and before I am through with my

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labors this year I think I shall be able to deliver to
the Church ^such^ documents and information that will fully
compensate for what I have or shall have received,
when the time (two years) of my allowance expires.

I would be pleased to have an interview with
you, in order to have an opportunity to make further
explanations, which may be necessary; and I hope that
your numerous other duties will allow this within
a few days. This matter is of much importance
to me, and I think of some interest to you and
the Church. Please peruse the accompanying copy of
the "Historical Record", if your time permits.

With kindest regards, dear brethren, I
remain your Brother in the Gospel.

Andrew Jenson.

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Sept 12 [18]89
Andrew Jensen
Red Oct 9 [18]89

Referred to Elder F D Richards
as Historian & John Jacques
as Asst Historian