The First Presidency
of the
Church of Jesus Christ
Latter-day Saints.
P.O. Box B.
Salt Lake City, Utah, .
Beloved Brethren and Sisters in Turkey:
We have lately received a number
of letters from various brethren addressed to Bro. Lefvon S. Abraham. In
these letters a number of questions are sprung concerning your condition
and also asking about a future opportunity of gathering to some place in
your own land.
First, we learn that the different branches of the Church in Turkey
need a fuller organization, this has been ordered to be corrected through
the office in Liverpool and Elder Armenag S. Hagobian. President Hago-
bian should make a wvisit to the different branches of the church and
ordain a few worthy brethren to the office of elders and some to the
lower priesthood so that there may be workers in each branch to supply
the necessary spiritual food and to preach the Gospel with authority to
those not acqiuainted with our doctrines. There are also some difficul-
ties that should be straightened out so that all might work as one in
Jesus Christ our Lord.
It is probable that before long some elders will be sent there again
to labor, and we hope you will receive them as the servants of the living
God sent to you to minister in the ordinances of life and salvation for
your good and for the good of the nations in that far off part of the
world. For the Gospel of Christ must be preached in all places according
to the will of the Father before the end will come. Dear Brethren and
Sisters, you are inclined to be impatient, as though you alone had
troubles to endure. This you should not be. The saints have troubles in
all the world, some more, some less, but all have to exercise patience
and by so doing show their devotion to God and His cause, and their
works will in tijme shine forth out of the darkness that surrounds the
world. God will be glorified through our labors and our love of our
Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Satan is pressing the saints everywhere
possible. He knows his time is short and he loses no opportunity to
oppress the saints and if possible to overcome. This we know he cannot,
but he will try, and we must resist evil and do good, labor faithfully
and diligently and never tire, and although we cannot do as we like,
let us not forget that this work is of God. He guides and he will in-
spire his servants to mogve at the right time and in the right place.
Wherefore, let us love, respect and pray for His servants that they may
have the Holy Spirit to guide them and that the saints may have the Com-
forter to help them to understand their counsels and to carry them out.
This work is great. We mean the work of redemption, and the laborers are
few in comparison to the greatness of the work. Calls for elders and
Gospel knowledge are extensive and where the nations seem ripe to havrvest
many are sent and many precious souls are redeemed from the false doc-
trines and traditions of the world and as soon as the way seems clear the
work in Turkey will be pushed forward. For, to the land of Palestine are
made great promises, and if you remain faithful you will be instrumental
by your prayers, faith and works to help fulfil many fof the glorious
promises. Teach your children as best you can the Gospel of Christ, so
that when they are eight years old they can be baptized and confirmed
members of Hic Church, for so has God commanded us in these days. And
until you can be gathered to one place where you can have the home rule,
the laws and privileges of the country affords, let your children attend
the Protestant schools and learn to read and write and do the best you
can for them, and God will give the children sufficient of His Spirit
to discern good from evil. Let dfather and mother teach and exhort them
at home about the Gospel, and the Protestants will have no power over the
children to lead them astray. God has much good among all nations and
this he will consecrate for the upbuilding of His kingdom. We are all
His children and He has joy in good works and in the progress of His
children and the saints above all should be fully tolerant and observant,
and kind and good, always speaking the truth, do right, and above all,
be virtuous in thought and deed.
Of the young sisters of whom you write, we would say it is best not
to give them in marriage to any bust saints, if possible. Let them
rather wait the time of the Lord. Good men will be found in time. It is
not good for saints and sinners to be bound together. Be patient in
well-doing. These questions about the children and young sisters are
the same as we find among the saints in all lands where they are scatt-
ered, and they have to abide the Lord's time until they can be changed
in the proper way. We do not build school-houses nor support schools
only where the saints locally are able to do so; it is not in the line of
our work, but we sustain the laws and institutions of the country where
we go, and find that good results follow, for so the Lord has revealed
to us.
We hope and pray to God that a way may be opened, that a gathering
place for our people may be found somewhere in the promised land. For
as we are of Israel we feel the promises are unto us and we look forward
to the day when God will move upon the rulers in Turkey to set apart a
place for us to live, and there acknowledge us as a people and give us
liberal government and such privileges as insure peace and prosperity to
us and the nation. Do not despair, Latter-day Saints, were you in
countries ruled by some of the Christian potentates, you would not have
as much liberty as you now have, neither could our hopes be so bright for
the future. For priestcraft and sin and misrule are very great in many
nations, so much so that we cannot preach the Gospel there at all.
Be sure we will do all we can for you, you are of us; we are all one
body in Christ; we have one Lord; we all drink at the same fountain; we
are all looking for redemption through the only name given under heaven
whence comes salvation. Now that our faith is one and our hope the same,
let us seek to be filled with the love of God. Let us always seek
profitable conversations, leaving mysteries alone. Read the scriptures
dfor they are profitable to us for instruction. And more particularly
let us seek for the possession of the Spirit ogf God to be our guide and
to increase our testimonies. Do not discuss the time of the coming of
Christ in an unprofitable manner. There is a time appointed, and God
only knows it. He has not revealed it. But the appointed time will
surely come long before most people are prepared. This we know, it is
not far distant, for the signs of his coming are now very plain. But
there is yet much to do to prepare for his coming that great event. Many
of the honest have not yet heard of His great Latter-day work. Zion must
be fully established. Jerusalem must be rebuilt by the Jews, the ten
tribes must return from the north, the American Indians, who are of the
house of Israel must be converted and become workers in His cause. And
many more of the different branches of the House of Israel must return
to the promised lands and be prepared to meet Him and to receive Him. FRoor
He will be their King when He comes. God's words must all be fulfilled
and we must wait patiently and labor in the fear of God that we may be
with His holy company when He comes. For hHe Wwill come in the clouds
and save His saints while His angels will reap the earth and cleanse it fr
from sin.
Brother Levon Abraham, who is here, is a faithful and humble member
of the church. He has a great desire to do good. His whole soul is
laboring to do you good, and when he has learned the English language he
will return to you and be instrumental in doing much good, if he remains
faithful. He has given us much comfort concerning the saints in Turkey
and his labors here in Zion in your behalf will be of great benefit to
you in time to come.
Your Brethren in the Gospel,
Wilford Woodruff
Geo. Q. Cannon
Jos. F. Smith