power of the destroyer which had seized my
body, and promised me in the name of the
Lord, that I should not die but live to finish
my work which was appointed me upon the
earth. I soon began to recover. The poison
and mortification left my system and centered
in my arm, and was drawn from my arm thro'
the aid of charcoal , moistened with
a strong decoction of wormwood, ragweed and
wild sage; the dead flesh was removed from
my arm with instruments and lunar caustic,
and in a few days I was well again.
I have occupied considerable space in refer-
ring to those peculiar circumstances which
have attended me during life, and to sum the
matter up it stand thus:—I have broken both
legs—one in two places—both arms, my breast
bone and three ribs, and had both ankles dis-
located. I have been drowned, frozen, scalded,
and bit by a mad dog—have been in water
wheels under full head of water—have passed
through several severe fits of , and
encountered poison in its worst forms—have
landed in a pile of railroad ruins—have barely
been missed by the passing bullet, and have
passed through a score of other hair-breadth
It has appeared miraculous to me, that with
all the injuries and broken bones which I have
had, I have not a lame limb, but have been
enabled to endure the hardest labor, exposures
and journeys—have often walked forty, fifty,
and on one occasion, sixty miles in a day. The
protection and mercy of God has been over
me, and my life thus far has been preserved;
for which blessings I feel to render the grati-
tude of my heart to my Heavenly Father, pray-
ing that the remainder of my days may be
spent in His service and in the building up of
His kingdom.