After devotional exercises, brother Allen ^W. Woodruff^ adrdressed the
Conference. He was pleased to meet with a Conference of the Saints
for the first time in this Territory. Read from the Doctrine and
Covenants part of a revelation given to Thomas B. Marsh con-
cerning the Twelve. He never met with the Saints in Conference
but what he reflected upon the position they occupied with theier God
each other and the world. We little comprehended the responsi-
bilities that rests upon us as apostles, seventies, elders and saints.
Every prophet from father Adam down had spoken of this great
last dispensation. Adam 3 years before his death spoke of all
that should transpire untill the millenium. [Doctrine and Covenants 107:53-56] Isaiah had written
our history in coming up to these mountains. The Lord has
reserved spirits to tabernacle in this last dispensation. Abraham
was chosen to stand at the head of Israel. [Genesis 12:1-3] Has the Lord set his
hand to build up this kingdom at random? No. God had
reserved spirits to come forth in this last dispenseation. Joseph
Smith was reserved to open it up, and the apostles, seventies
and hundreds of others had been kept back in the spirit world
for 6000 years to come forth at this time. Others were inspired
to do their part in starting certain principles or perform
certain works, such as Calvin, Columbus and the establishers
of this free and independent government. When the Gospel came
to the world it took one of a family and two of a city, and
the the hand of God was in this. [Jeremiah 3:14] We recieved the priesthood in
the spirit world, now has come our time, and what has God
for us to do? What manner of men had we ought to be. Refer-
red to Moses day, how few men held the priesthood in his
day, now 999 of every 1000 of the males in the Church holds
the priesthood, either Melchisedek or Aaronic. These have
the Gospel to preach to thier fellow men. Spoke of his own
labors, and of the apostles and elders in this respect. Joseph
Smith, Brigham Young and the elders would judge this gen-
eration. Joseph Smith had sealed his testimony with his
blood and went into the spirit world to unlock the prison
doors. Referred to the twelve fulfilling the revelation, requir-
ing them to take leave of the saints in Far West, on the 26th
day of April 1839. [Doctrine and Covenants 118:5] After fulfilling this mission the lorddevil
laid his hand upon them, ^tried to hedge up their way,^ but after having got on the
water on their way to England, he left them and they went
forth and brought many to a knowledge of the truth. After
a while the Lord revealed the law for the redemption of the
dead, and they went forth rejoicing in it, but soon after
the Lord said for them to keep a record, and not to
have males baptized for females &c. Joseph had conferred
the keys of the priesthood which he held upon the twelve.
The people were called upon to build temples and when
we get an oppertunity we should redeem our dead. He then
spoke upon the sealing ordinance, how we Lords of creation
waked up one morning without any wives or children,
and the Lord revealed the laws of the Celestial Glory to Joseph Smith
and the Lord says to the apostles and elders obey this law or
you will be damned. [Doctrine and Covenants 132:4-7] All the heavenly host are gazing
upon this congregation, and the Saints living in these
mountains to see what we are going to do. Spoke of the Laman-
ites and the work we have to perform among them and how
thier minds had been changed from war to peace. We are
called upon to build up Zion, we have to cultivate our fields,
and build our houses, fences, ditches, &c. This pertains to it
and we can not do it all in one day. Zion will continue
to grow. The priesthood should not set their heart upon
temporal matters, or the things of this world, and no one
should use the priesthood to build themselves up in this
worlds goods. We ought to dedicate our labors, our fields,
&c, and ourselves unto the Lord. We have been called upon
to enter into the United Order as near as we could. The apos-
tles have felt we would have to come to this. He liked what he
saw in these two settlements (Sunset and Brigham City)
and said God bless us, and would feel under condemnation
as an elder, if he should say to us, stay your hand, and un-
till the Lord reveals a better plan, he said go ahead. He
then referred to how much less chance there is for temptation
in this way of being united in our farming and living together
and when men were called on missions, thier famileies would
not be left in want to suffer, but would be provided for;
the same with men who died. He was only a visitor here
and did not pretend particularly to dictate or direct his
brethren that were called upon to preside here. We had his
prayers in our behalf.