Letter from John Christopher Cutler Jr., 26 September 1890 [LE-12780]

Document Transcript

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Salt Lake City

President Wilford Woodruff

Dear Brother

Your favor of Sept
25th informing me that my name has been suggested
and accepted as a Missionary to Gt Britain
was duly received this day. In reply would
say I will make arrangements to start
from Salt Lake City Nov 12th as per your
request. I believe I am not cut out for a
preacher, but I am willing to go, and the
authorities will no doubt put me in some
place or position where I trust I may do
some good

Yours Truly
John C Cutler

PS I was indicted and am under bonds to
appear in the District Court for Conspiracy, in
connection with, E M Weiler E A Smith George Romney
& others, and if the cases are not dismissed it may
be necessary to telegraph me to come home for the trial,
but when that may be I cannot say.

John C Culter

I think he should get this indictment removed—
if possible—before going. J. F. S.

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I approve and Indorse the within

Harrison Sperry Bishop of
The Fourth Ward

[sideways text]
John C. Cutler
26 Sept 1890
Recd Sept 29.
[end of sideways text]