Letter to John Taylor and Council, 17 October 1879 [LE-3595]

Document Transcript

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those Settlements to the Bishop, as their is
no other Grist Mill in 100 Miles of our
settlements it leaves the tithing wheat 50
75 or more miles from the Mill and as
they are in a New County No conveniences
for storeing tithing grain. It will cost the
Church or some body sumthing to bring
this tithing grains 75 Miles to Mill would
it not be better for the people to bring
back the wheat to the Mill where they got
the flour from. We would like some
instructions upon these subjects. A man
applyed to me from Logan ^Sipeo^ to Deposit wheat
there I draw tithing here I told him I would
name it to you but one busheh of wheat
here is worth two there. I wish to say that
Br Lake is at work again. Brother Bates
getting Better, we have administered to them by
annointing with oil & lying on of hands and they
both have been healed. I have just received
a letter from J Jaques stating that you are
having a land rains we have who had one

Sunset Apache Co Arizona
President John Taylor & Council

Dear Brothers

We received the Deseret News
containing the account of the settlement
of the heir suit against the Executors
and Trustee and the Decisions of the Court
in the case and it truly caused our
hearts to rejoice for there has never
has been a more vexatious suit enacted
in this Church, as far a Dollars & cents were
concerned, and it has Gained me more
anxiety while spending than any other subject,
and I know it has the Council at home.
It has been the labor of my prayers Daily
before the Lord, and I feel to thank God
it has closed so well. I do not begrudge
the 7 Heirs what they will get in the settlement
for I would not have to pay the bills &
meet the reward they will receive both in
this world & the world to come for ten
thousand times what they have got, but I feel
to thank the Lord that your end liberated out

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of the Trouble and that the Temples & Church
property are safe. I did not see John W Young
name in the list with the rest of the family
for I did not learn whether He signed the
paper Br Roseton took to him or Not

There is a question I wish to ask the
Trustee in trust Would it not be wisdom
for Lot & Jesse N Smith or those who
preside over these Stakes of Zion to have
the privilege of selling some of the tithing
wheat & turning it into Money instead
of keeping the wheat would not the
Money be of more Benefit to the
Trustee under the present state of
Church affairs than to keep the wheat
on land flour can be cashed at
the Mill for $6 a bushel or wheat at
$2 a bushel which is Double the price of
wheat in Utah Application is made
to Lot Smith for flower but He did
not feel at Liberty to sell any tithing flour
without the Court of the Trustee I have
been applyed to upon the subject and I

do not feel it my place to take any Respon-
sibility upon myself concerning tithing Money
or grains any further than to assist in
regulating the prices of tithing of this County
for the benefit of the Church. Some of the
Bishops offered me thithing Money I told them
to Deliver it to the presidents of the Stakes
who should forward it to the Trustee
the earliest opportunity, if I was going to
Salt Lake direct, I would take any tithing
Money & Deliver it to the proper proper
Authority on My arival as I at times
have done. Jesse N Smith has taken
some tithing money with him as He is going to
the Legislature. There is another thing I wish
to say Lot Smith has loaned a good
Deal of flour or grains to people through
Arizona during the past year to feed them
they were to return this back to the Mill
The Trustee probably not understanding the
situation I understand has given the people
the privilege of turning in their wheat in

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here and a flood the Little Colorado
^was^ two miles wide but done No damage
here wheat all in the slioh [silo] at Sunset
& 2000 shucks of corn above high water mark
& 20 acres of cane made up, ownly they got
wet was 5 acres of squashes, but they are now
being Gathered Brothe Jaques says that
Earnest Young was picked up Drunk in the
street & found Dead in the morning. if
it was lawful for a man to give utterance
to his thoughts I would say it was a good
thing, and would be if a few more would
follow suit Salt Lake City would be
better off. I got to first days rep^or^t of the
conference and read the speaches of the Twelve
and I can say with evry sentiment of
my heart Amen. Bro Lot Smith &
myself with several other Brothers start on
Monday to visit the Mogul villages some
50 Miles from here. That the peace Blessings
& power of God may rest upon you and give
you the victory over your Enemies is the
daily prayer of your Brother in the gospel WW

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Br [Sucett] wishes to be remembered to
the Council

[upside down text] Elder W. Woodruff
Oct 28 [18]79 [end of upside down text]